Learn The Habits and Mindsets of Millionaire Entrepreneurs
Believe It! Every entrepreneur you admire practices these secrets to business success and profits
Dear Business Owner,
- Are you struggling to make money with your business?
- Are you struggling to pay your bills?
- Are you sick and tired of working in your business just to pay your staff?
- What would it be like if you could love what you do, be paid what you deserve, take time to enjoy your family and have great vacations?
- If you had clients beating at your door (flooding the gates) lining up to buy your products and services?
- What would it be like if all you ever served were your favourite clients?
- How would your life change if you worked at what you loved doing and enjoyed the rewards of your business?
You are an expert. You have spent years either in formal study or perfecting your craft. You are passionate about what you do and you expect to share your passion. But you are struggling to make money. I was once like you.
Did you know that 80% of businesses go bankrupt in the first 5 years, 80% in the next 5 and 80% in the next 5. In the end less then 10% of the businesses last more then 15 years. Scary isn’t it.
I have been in business for almost 25 years. After the first 10 years, I got an ISO for my clinic and thought I was doing well. Around the 15th year, the economy changed very abruptly and my business suffered. In the 20th year of business, I began to understand the formula. Mine is not the “I figured out the secrets to successful business in 24 months” story.
I studied with all the greatest business and marketing experts I could find in the world. I employed marketing people for my businesses.
Every one of the experts I employed was right, some of the time. I wondered what I was missing. Finally I spoke to a marketing expert who confessed that even he no longer knew what to expect. Big companies used to have 3 year marketing plans. Now he said they had one year plans with a review every 3 months.
I finally realised that the biggest liability was the Expert’s Mindset:
- If I am good at what I do, I don’t need to market
- People will come to avail themselves of my services and products
Does this seem familiar? In 2012 year although I took almost a month off, I made the highest profit margin in 25 years. I also got the “Most Promising top 500 Small and Medium Business Award 2013. I finally found the formula. It took 20 years. I tested it for a further 5 years. Throughout the 20 years some of the elements were present. I did not recognize them. I want to share with you what this formula is.
It consists of 5 steps:
- Your story, your passion, your vision and mission
- How do you keep track of how well you are doing
- Where are you currently now in your business
- What are the key strategies and the 7 systems you need
- Keeping track of your business terrain