Creating A Life Design


Creating A Life Design

Life by Design

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life,” Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles of Darwin. Are you truly present in your life? The answer to this question has serious consequences for your future. Regardless of how far back you would bother to look into history, you will discover the individuals who are into life design have one thing in common. They understood precisely what they were getting into. From Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs, they had a destination in mind. All of them knew precisely what it could be like, everything from life design for greater returns involved along with everything that was required of them to accomplish their main objective or their primary outcome. When you perceive precisely what it takes to manage your resources for greater productivity and to achieve your core focus, there would be no stopping you. What exactly do we know? Your life design for better results definitely should be focused, relentless along with being enlightened. We can move on to precisely what you need to do to make it happen. Congratulations for being the type of person that gets going. You are still here. Always remember that building buffer time for the unexpected will ensure you will always get things done. You may begin by keeping that in mind. You can rise to the challenge.

Let’s move onto priming yourself to remain focused in the essential priority that makes a difference. It’s the internal domino effect. It’s a single thought that pops up in your head or mind that leads to another thought and another one. Then all of a sudden, it’s an hour later and you haven’t gotten anything done. The internal domino effect can also be a single emotion that leads to another emotion and another one and all of a sudden, you’re worked up over nothing at all. The internal domino effect can also be something physical like losing your keys and as you’re looking for them, you find something else you haven’t seen in the while. This leads to something else and then you are totally distracted. Multitasking can trigger your internal domino effect. In fact, many of us are internal domino effect addicts. We get addicted to the stress chemicals that get released when you are distracted and stressed out, chasing our dominoes around. When you first notice your dominoes, it’s a moment of being present. It’s becoming aware of what’s been going on all along. To do this, first write down a list of all the dominoes or triggers that distract you physically, emotionally and mentally. Write down three or four in each area.

Next, look at the list for the one biggest domino, then visualize yourself in a situation where the domino shows up. See the scene begin to happen in a super slow motion. Do the same visualization but this time, see yourself being present just as the domino happens. You take a deep breath and let it go and you get back to what you were doing and you feel good. Then you maintain your focus. I will go through an exercise that helps you get the completion of things in your life. Parts of our life that are incomplete rob us of energy. Maybe you had a fight with someone years ago and you never resolved it or someone ripped you off and you have lingering resentment or you have been halfway down on a project for months. I would suggest that when you do this exercise, complete it. First, make a list of all the areas of your life where you have a sense of incompleteness. One page maximum at the most should take you less than ten minutes. Go through the list and prioritize the ones that are robbing you of the most energy. These are the ones we want to attack first. Either complete them or let them go consciously. Decide that it’s not worth it to allow them to rob you of energy any longer. This can be hard because our ego can get involved.

A lot of times, we rather serve justice on another person rather than get our life and energy back. Instead, make the conscious decision to either get completion or release it to the universe. Most people can’t sleep because they’re obsessing about problems that are not yes or problems they cannot solve. Very often they go round and round about them because they have trained themselves to problem solve without having a switch off button. Are you stressed and overwhelmed? Most stress cannot be eliminated by having a good night’s sleep or a bath. Often people under duress will not be able to identify or even admit the precise reason for the stress and start feeding the whole world is ganging up on them. Pointing fingers at vague and subjective issues does not help you in finding solutions. How exactly do you pinpoint your stresses on your own? Just use a simple technique and ask yourself key questions. You can identify your stressors and manage them. What are your stress markers? The following questions will be a great way to identify stressors at work. This should be enough to begin with. You can ask questions later.

You can answer the following questions. Do you have enough resources to do your job? That’s the first question. The second one, are the job specifications stated in measurable terms for what is expected of you? The next question, do you have access to a standard operating procedure or otherwise known as the SOP manual for your job? The next question, do you have to do everything yourself or do you have help? Are you trying to control issues outside your control? Are you trying to please or seek admiration from everyone or from certain people at work or even at home? Are you an appreciation-seeking addict? Is somebody’s urgency or poor planning an emergency for you? Is your life at the mercy of emails, pagers and other electronic-controlled mechanisms? Are the timeframes and work targets real? Are you chasing artificial datelines created by clueless people? Are you burning out from chasing unrealistic expectations from people around? Are others expecting you to do mind-reading and vice versa? Are you financially challenged? Are you spending more than you are earning? Is a corporate rumor about getting fired, downsizing, reorganizing, etc. causing you stress? Are you taking care of your health and rest properly? Are you getting your eight hours of calm sleep daily? Do you or your family have any health problems that could trigger stress? Are family problems creating hell at work out? Are work problems creating hell at home? Are you needlessly anticipating bad news? Are you working in a badly managed project? Having too little, too much or no work can create anxiety about job continuity. Do you suck at time management? Are you overcommitted? Can you reduce your load?

Fast business
Life Design: Stop obsessing and start doing.


The above list is a great way to start figuring out what is stressing you. Stop obsessing and start doing sure. Take out a piece of paper and write down all the things you’re worried and thinking about it. Write for fifteen minutes straight and do that now. If you are done with the questions and you have answered that part, then you will realize, “That’s a lot of stuff.” Next, go through the list and put a check mark next to everything that is outside of your control and a star next to everything that is within your control. Then take all the items with stars. Pick the most important ones, no more than ten. Transfer them to another list and put them in your priority order. These are the things that you can work on over the next eight weeks. If you sign up for the online Freedom Formula, I will take you through a precise process of how you can work through all of them. Now that you’ve prioritized the ten items in your “What You Can Control List,” generate what you need to do to change the situation. You may find as you generate solutions, there may be certain areas that you have no control over. List what changes you can make in the ‘What I Can Change’ category. List the issues that continue to come up under ‘What I Cannot Change’ category.

Whatever you’ve identified in the ‘What I Cannot Control’ or ‘What I Cannot Change’ category, you can consciously let go of these items in your mind. When you are done, you’ll have released the things that are outside of your control or not critically important and you will have a fresh new list of the most important things you can control and you can work on. Every time you look at life design for greater productivity as a lifestyle instead of a goal, you may find it easier to adopt the practices that augment your success. The adjustment in your schedule has a bigger purpose beyond realizing a single objective. The most dedicated people will see your main objective through. You can become one of them. If you allow yourself to become enlightened, you will find your journey is a stimulating one and growing for taking that very first step.

I want to talk about the difference briefly between a compulsive life and a designed life. In a compulsive life, there is this belief I can control everything. In a designed life, I only focus on what I can control. In a compulsive life, I can change everything in my life all at once. In a designed life, I only focus on what I can change one step at a time. In a compulsive life, there are things that I cannot influence and I’m still going to worry about them. In a designed life, I only focus on what I can influence. In a compulsive life, I am totally spontaneous on how I plan and I keep reacting all the time. In a designed life, I have routines that help me win every time.

One lucky audience that poses a review at iTunes will win a private confidential consultation and coaching with me on discovering your soul’s purpose. I will lead you on a personal journey to discover your unique mind, body and a psychosomatic map of your life. You will get a detailed report on the personal 45-minute consultation with me that is worth thousands. On this podcast, I’m going to help you design a life that works so you are able to say yes to the things that matter and eliminate everything else that slows you down. The clearer you can be about how to organize your daily life to support your bigger vision, the more you will step into your true potential, stay on track and accomplish all that you want and deserve. Are you ready to make that happen? Feel free to reach out to me to ask questions at Your life is a gift, design it. Do what matters and join me each week as we get closer to designing the life of your dreams.

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The Pareto Principle Of Productivity


The Pareto Principle Of Productivity

Pareto Principle

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf. “So do all who lived to see such times, but it’s not for them to decide and all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us,” Said J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring. You need to be motivated to do life design for a fulfilling life. Also it produces tons of benefits like having a clear sense of direction. Remember one major priority that everything revolves around. More than that, eventually lackluster overwhelms you and you get pulled in a thousand different directions. Every time you manage time for a fulfilling life, there are generally some critical actions that you take. You need to plan in three or five-year chunks. Plan for each task in fifteen-minute chunks and plan backwards from three to five years to the present.

List three actions that will help you out in good life design. More importantly, they bring forth other improvements in your life. A life design for a fulfilling life will be something that has often many people feel better about themselves. Those who start planning in three or five-year chunks, they recognized significant adjustments in their mental well-being. These people will feel better prepared to tackle other things in life. Preparing ahead of time allows you to be stronger than you were before. This enables you to complete more than you could before and not run out of energy as easily. More importantly, it helps to build mental and emotional muscles so that you are more resilient and capable when the situation calls for it.

The Pareto Principle is extremely important for growing any business or even for running your life. The 80/20 Principle has been tried and tested in situations. It holds up under scrutiny but there is a downside as well as an upside. The Pareto Principle has been successfully applied to a variety of different areas and holds true in an astonishingly wide variety of fields. The Pareto Principle applies to you because 20% of your activities will contribute to 80% of your success and happiness. The Pareto Principle is perhaps most famous for its suggestion that successful people tend to achieve 80% of the results from 20% of the activities. The 80/20 rule is often used to improve productivity in people and business and usually to identify how time can be saved or use more effectively. One will insert 80% effort and just achieve 20% results if one does not abide by this rule. The idea is small but consistent actions over time.

In business, your time should be spent conducting business with your best clients. Efficiency should never be the end in itself because when efficiency alone makes the goal, you are more often just making yourself busy than making yourself productive. Effective time managers will spend your time on important objectives that will help them attain important goals. Even in developing short, medium and long-term goals, you can organize your time and tasks well where you choose to work on your own productivity curve largely determines what you accomplish in your work and your business. The end of the curve, the things you do will have great value.

The principle known as the Pareto is often referred to in business as how you will get 80% of profit from just 20% of your clients. There are some business experts who will go as far suggesting firing 80% of unprofitable clients. By increasing sales for your best clients and businesses, you can reduce costs. By letting go bad clients and focusing on selling and improving the best services, the best clients, your business will flourish. This may seem very harsh but the reality is that given how little time, energy and resources you have, if you’re going to get better at what you do and you’re going to get better at serving people, you need to ensure that effective on how you spend your time, effort and energy to get the best possible results.

Question, are you spending 80% of your productive time on activities that only produce 20% of your results? Are you spending 20% of your productive time on activities that produce 80% of your total results? To help you discover which position you are in, let’s start doing some research on your work habits and how you spend your productive time. I did this exercise for myself and made some amazing discoveries and breakthroughs. Notice how much time you spend on activities over a three-day period on one business-related profit-producing activities. Two, business-related non-profit producing activities. Three, personal activities. For those of you who feel you’re not in business and you are working, look at business relates that profit-producing as work-related, results-producing, business-related, nonprofit producing as work-related but produces no observable desirable results.


As you go through each day, jot down everything you do and how long you spend on each activity. Be as accurate as you can. After you complete the three days’ worth of activity tracking, go back and categorize your activities by business-related, profit-producing, business-related nonprofit producing, plus a category for personal activities. You can also include any categories you think are important and applicable to this exercise and your business. Make sure you make a note of the results you have achieved from the time spent on each activity. Add up the time you spend on each category of activity over the three-day period and the total time spent. Then calculate the percentage of the total that was spent on each category. Take a look at what this exercise shows you. How did you spend your productive time? Was it on profitable activities or non-profit producing activities? What result was produced? What percentage of your productive time did it take to achieve these results? Was the time spent on personal activities more time than the time you spend on business activities? Was the time spent on non-profitable business activities more than the time you spent on profitable business activities?

If you’re getting 20% of your results from 80% of your business activities, think about what will happen if the 80/20 rule is in your favor. It’s all about knowing the value of your time and when your most productive time occurs. Then you can start leveraging your strengths to achieve your profitable activities before you spend time with anything else, especially the non-profitable activities. The time management habit patterns from the age 25 or by the next 40 years will result by age 65 in the following statistics. By 65, 1% are wealthy, 4% are financially fit, 5% are still working, 28% are dead and 62% are flat broke. Let’s roll up our sleeves and figure out what the value of your time needs to be to get to where you want to be. When you’re filled up and actually done the exercise, you will realize that you can only maximize your dollar value per hour by increasing the time that you spend on business-related profit-producing activities.

Here’s the reality check. You can have your best year ever, but if you want to get progress towards the things that matter, then we have to change our approach. We have to be clear about how our big goals translate into our day-to-day actions. We are going to take the first steps with this specific set of simple actions. Whatever you like to accomplish in your career, your relationships, your health or the impact you want to have in your community and the world, this too will give you what you need to know and exactly what it takes to stay on track so life doesn’t pull you astray. That’s why this podcast is focused on this. It’s designed to help you get intentional about how you spend your time. One lucky listener that posts a review in iTunes will win a private confidential consultation and coaching with me on discovering your life’s and soul’s purpose. I will lead you on a journey to discover the unique mind-body, psychosomatic map of your life. You will get a detailed report and a personal 45-minute consultation with me that is worth thousands.

On this podcast, I’m going to help you design a life that works so you’re able to say yes to the things that matter and eliminate everything else that slows you down. The clearer you can be about how to organize your daily life to support your bigger vision, the more you step into your true potential, stay on track, and accomplish all that you want and deserve. Are you ready to make that happen? Feel free to reach out to me, to ask questions at Your life is a gift. Design it. Do what matters and join me each week as we get closer to designing the life of your dreams.

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The Value Of Your Time: What Your Time Is Actually Worth

The Value Of Your Time: What Your Time Is Actually Worth

The Value Of Your Time

Unless you master your time, you can never truly be master of your destiny. What is an hour of your time worth? I don’t mean to get all philosophical on you, but have you thought about your time is your life? If you think about it, time is all you have. Moreover, there’s no such thing as free time. You can’t save free time and use it later. You have leisure time but it’s not free time. You’re either using your time purposefully or wasting it. Leisure time is the time that you use for rest and recreation. You have chosen to spend your time this way. It is not by default. What does this mean for your business and your life? Unless you commit to continually increase the value of your time, you will not be making the money or business you want or working the number of hours you want. There is no free time. You pay for all your time in your life. If you don’t use it, you lose it and it affects your income level, your health and your relationships. If you don’t value your time, no one else will. It always intrigues me that people generally have no idea what their time is worth and how to increase its value.

The question is, what is your time worth? Do you know what time is worth? Do you know how to value your time to achieve your income growth? Unless you know the value of your time, your capacity to make effective decisions on what you should do or shouldn’t do, and whether you should delegate would be fatally flawed. Another thing to know is this exercise will also challenge your perception around the value of time. If you’re honest and I hope you will be, you will get tremendous clarity about why you may or may not be making the progress you want. You and I both know it’s easy to fall into the trap of everyday life.

This exercise will ensure that in the next twelve months you’ll stay on track. Be sure to bring intention into everything you do. If you are the type of person who has been living a compulsive life where you’ve been very focused on achieving in one or two areas of your life at the expense of others, then this exercise will channel your ambition. It will ensure that you win at work and succeed at life and don’t burn out. I want to give you more of the building blocks and start with this one simple exercise. It’s going to open your eyes to what’s going on with your time, the good, the bad and the ugly. No more going into default mode and hoping that in time success will come to you. Now, we’re getting intentional. We are taking the first step towards designing the life the way you want it. We’ve all heard that time is money. The problem is, we don’t act like that is true, but what if we did? What is time and exercise doing for you?

Here is the reality. You have some big decisions about what you’re going to do with your time. Maybe there are some enticing opportunities on the horizon that you shouldn’t take. Maybe you have a project or business you need to exit to make room for something even better. The only way you’ll know is if you determine the real value of your available time. The best way to do that is to work from how much revenue you’re currently earning. Notice the four big blocks, time off, time on administration, service delivery and revenue generation. We only have 365 days in a year, 366 if it’s a Leap Year. How we divide these days is critical for understanding how much they’re worth.

Take the total amount of revenue you are projecting and divide it by the number of days you have available to earn it. You want to subtract the number of days you’re taking off, this is your extra time available. Your current value of time is the total income divided by the total number of days. That’s your dollar value per day, eight-hour a day formula. This will tell you what you’re making. The next best way to do that is to work from how much revenue you’re going to be earning. The current value of time equals total projected income over the total number of days, dollar value per day, eight-hour day formula. If you’re an entrepreneur, a business owner or a CEO, this exercise is for you. Practice working on profit building for an hour. At first, it won’t be easy.

LBD 09 | Value Of Your Time
Value Of Your Time: In business, you have to do two things: maintain your business and grow your business.


Eventually, you’ll be able to go the distance on an hour, on profit building activities. This is what productive time is all about. Productive time is time directly generated to produce income. What percentage of all time are you productive? The above exercise shows you your dollar value. However, what we really get to use, how much of your actual days are productive? I’m taking off 99 days each year. Subtract those days from 365 and those are the days that I have left for work. For me, that’s 265. For you, it will be whatever is left after you factored your time off. I take what is left over and break this up in three different ways. I sit down and track for three days how I spent my working time. Everything I did, I kept track of. I looked at the time I spent on administration, service delivery and revenue generation.

Administration refers to the maintenance staff, running meetings, answering emails, returning calls and so on, the time I’m working on the business. You want to look at it this way. You have things to do to maintain your business and you have things to do to grow your business. Here’s a pro tip. The more you can group these activities into their own days, the more focused on efficiency you will pick up. Service delivery is if I’m doing medical-related activities or I’m teaching a program and there is no selling involved. Revenue generation for me is stuff creating video courses, blogging, writing books, conducting seminars and selling to clients. For you, it could be the different business in your portfolio; the different customers or clients that your accounts will serve. It could be creating a product, making sales calls and whatever turns the crank in your business.

Once you’ve figured out how many days you have to generate revenue, these are your revenue generation days. The worksheets will divide your total revenue target and see how much those days are really worth. Every day you are working just to maintain the business and not create revenue, you’re potentially wasting time. I encourage you to think about doing this exercise over the next few days. I was shocked to realize I was only spending 50% of the time on revenue generation activities. I decided to change how I spend this time. I started passing on more of the administration and service delivery to others and focus more on revenue generation. You’ll notice the first critical piece of information. How much money are you projecting to make in this coming year? We want to put a dollar sign in our days so we can see how much our time is worth. You’ll be surprised.

Doing this exercise gets very sobering very fast, but it’s also empowering. When I first did this exercise, I found our spending time on activities that were not generating revenue. It took me a while to make the decision but eventually, I decided to reconfigure how I ran some of my businesses. What are your results telling you? Whatever the results, whatever the answer, doesn’t it feel good knowing where you should spend your time? Clarity is a wonderful thing, even if it’s tough news at first.

The first time I went through this exercise, I was shocked. It explained a lot about my financial situation. Immediately I could see my work was creeping into my weekends and into my nights. From that, it was easy to see how I was compromising the time I had for the important things in my life. Productive time is time generated and directly related to your income. What percentage of the time are you productive? One study of Fortune 500 CEOs estimated they had 28 productive minutes a day. Another estimated it at 38 productive minutes a day. Can you do any better? Shocking isn’t it that they spend 28 to 38 minutes only on profit-building activities a day. Think about what a CEO does. However, most of us are not working at that level so we can afford to be a lot more productive.

The differences between the compulsive life and the designed life, in the compulsive life, there are many things I do well. In the designed life, there’s only one thing I’m brilliant at. In the compulsive life, I will go after every opportunity. In the designed life, I will only focus on my core priority and work at my core competence. In the compulsive life, there are many things I can use to increase the bottom line. In the designed life, there is only one priority. I need to focus on the impact, the bottom line right now.

One lucky audience that posts a review on iTunes will win a private confidential consultation and coaching with me on discovering your soul’s purpose. I will lead you on a personal journey to discover the unique mind-body psychosomatic map of your life. You will get a detailed report and a personal 45-minute consultation with me that is worth thousands. On this podcast, I am ready to help you design a life that works so you’re able to say yes to the things that matter and eliminate everything else that slows you down. The clearer you can be about how to organize your daily life to support your bigger vision, the more you step into your true potential, stay on track and accomplish all that you want and deserve. Are you ready to make that happen? Feel free to reach out to me to ask the questions at Your life is a gift, design it. Do what matters and join me each week as we get closer to designing the life of your dreams.

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How we handle our lives is a reaction to certain events from our early childhood. We have this emotional psychological blueprint that decides and dictates how we run our lives. It has been deeply ingrained in our subconscious and unconscious by past experiences that they determine our life destiny. Examine how your family of origin can set up many benefits or challenges throughout your life. Go deep into your personal success blueprint and out of the past conditioning that keeps you from becoming your true potential.

Emotional Psychological Blueprint: How To Overcome Traumas

Emotional Psychological Blueprint





We are going to examine how your family of origin can set up many benefits or challenges. We will examine some of them here, your personal success blueprint. We all have a blueprint, an emotional psychological blueprint that decides how we handle our lives. It’s deeply ingrained in our subconscious and unconscious. It can be part of your genetic and genomic programming and it determines your life’s destiny. It comes from our past programming, physical, emotional, mental and biochemical. Things we were conditioned or programmed by in early childhood and it can extend back through three generations.

A few days after I got my first Doctorate, I woke up in the middle of the night screaming in a panic thinking to myself, “I need to get another Doctorate.” That was the point when I realized I have a very deep emotional program that was limiting. Over the next few days, I self-hypnotized myself and went back to the key incident when this programming occurred. I had a very difficult time being born and had almost died. I decided as a newborn I could only live if I worked hard and do outstanding things. I changed this pattern that day at about 30 years of age. That year, my relationship with my wife changed positively. My clinic income grew by 40% even though I did nothing different. Many people struggling with relationships issues may be unaware that the challenges they are facing are rooted in their early childhood. They have a quiet programming that interferes fatally in a happy love life.

As a result of dysfunctional patterns in early childhood, they build up inappropriate models of relationship at an unconscious level. While consciously they want a happy love life, on an unconscious level, they are reenacting their early childhood pattern of pain, disappointment, and betrayal. You can be programmed for spending or saving in childhood. Some do both in cycles that keep them financially treading water their whole lives. There are those who instinctively choose winning investments and those who consistently pick loses. How do you know which way your blueprint is set? One way is to look at your results. Financial settings or any other settings in your life are like the temperature in the room. If the thermostat is set for 68 degrees, the room temperature is 68 degrees. If you’re not earning enough, keeping enough, then your blueprint is set for not enough. Your current financial, emotional, and psychological health blueprint will stay with you for the rest of your life unless you change it.

The way out of this is to become aware of how your childhood conditioning is affecting you now. Only then can you begin the process of learning how to identify and change your personal health, wealth, relationship and success blueprint. Then you want to acquire the awareness and the knowledge of using spiritual laws to create real-world success. You have to look at how successful people think and how to adopt the ingrained blueprint for abundance. How do you recondition your mind for automatic success? Are you attracting or repelling success? Another thing you want to become aware of is that the universe is dynamic. Everything is in a constant state of change and motion. You’re either attracting success or repelling it depending on how you think, speak, and act in the world.

At one of our programs, the Success Permission Program through intense reconditioning exercises, you will change your blueprint setting for automatic success. You will find that you will attract all that you have been struggling to achieve once you have done that. The objective is to change fundamental childhood programming called Imprinting so that you can achieve success in many areas of your life. By the end of the program, you will have a completely different unconscious attitude towards health, wealth, relationships and success. You can choose to use the information and you will develop a winner’s mindset. You can create inner peace, happiness and success by using the same principle to enhance your financial life.

Emotional Psychological Blueprint
Emotional Psychological Blueprint: Addressing family of origin issues is not about placing blame, but rather about healing unresolved traumas.











The family of origin issues, many people do not quite understand how their family of origin affects them. The family of origin issues may include such issues as having grown up in the alcoholic or chemically-dependent family systems, witnessing domestic violence, having lost of parents through death. Having an absent parent, being adopted, being a child of divorced parents or having family issues. Being a survivor of childhood neglect or emotional, physical, sexual abuse. Having a parent who was a workaholic. Growing up in a family system plagued with eating disorders. Having had a mentally ill parent or a sex-addicted parent or having been brought up with a strict religious orientation that somehow causes conflict for the person in adulthood.

All of these and numerous other situations can chronically change your set point for health, wealth and happiness. Addressing family of origin issues is not about placing blame, but rather about healing unresolved trauma and increasing awareness. Gaining new perspectives about dysfunctional patterns that clients re-enact in adulthood. If you have negative patterns in your unconscious, then you need to clear these programs. Once you do that, your worldview and your mindset change dramatically. That whatever you set your mind to can be easily achieved. When we work with these individuals who have deep-seated issues from the day the process is done, they experience significant changes in 21 days. Within 21 days, depending on what issues they worked on, they make more money, their relationships change or the health issues begin to significantly change. We do this at this program called Success Permissions.

The next point is your profit profile. There are nine major profit profiles with three variations each. These profiles provide you clarity in the nine paths of least resistance to success. Identifiable role models and biographies within each path. A process for building the right team, a right business model, and focusing on the right activity. Links to the growth stage in business and essential hierarchy of our life values from passion to purpose. Where will this new knowledge lead you? You will find that wealth is far more about focus and talent and that much of your time is focused on the wrong thing. When you quit focusing on these wrong areas, you begin to experience entirely different levels of action, traction and attraction.

You find that there are rules to wealth, and until you begin to follow the rules, you’ll never win the game. When you learn the rules, you’ll realize that you have the power to master them. You realize that the game you need to play is already built around your strength and passions. Things that you are likely to have been taking for granted while you worked for a living, even if you’re running your own business. You begin to experience the flow, which occurs when you follow your natural path. You begin to attract the right opportunities, people, talent and resources. You begin to master the art of anticipation which only comes as a result of following a natural game. You discover that synchronicity, coincidences and what appears as sheer luck are experiences that should not be left to chance.

You’ll find that as you increase your power to receive and increase your power to give, you realize that your power to contribute becomes more than a choice. It becomes a responsibility. Momentum brings meaning and your life path leads you to your life’s purpose. In one of our programs, the Wealth Creation Blueprint Seminar, through intense reconditioning exercises, you will change your financial blueprint, resetting it for automatic financial success. This piece of a puzzle is a 10,000-hour rule, what you did from thirteen to eighteen. Focusing on outliers as defined by Gladwell as people who do not fit into our normal understanding of achievement. Outliers deal with exceptional people especially those who are smart, rich and successful and those who operate at the extreme outer edge in what is statistically possible.

Malcolm Gladwell interviewed Bill Gates and focused on the opportunities given to him throughout his lifetime that led to his success. A common theme that appears throughout outliers is the 10,000-hour rule based on the study by Anders Ericsson. If you become clear about what you’re focused on from the ages of thirteen to eighteen, you will become clear about where to focus your wealth creation efforts. Once you understand your profit profile, you can then make sure you live a life that is aligned with your core competence and your personalized route blueprint.

One lucky audience that posts a review on iTunes will win a private confidential consultation and coaching with me on discovering your soul’s purpose. I will lead you on a personal journey to discover the unique mind-body psychosomatic map of your life. You will get a detailed report and a personal 45-minute consultation with me that is worth thousands. On this show, I’m going to help you design a life that works, so you are able to say yes to the things that matter and eliminate everything else that slows you down. The clearer you can be about how to organize your daily life to support your bigger vision, the more you step into your true potential, stay on track and accomplish all that you want and deserve. Are you ready to make that happen? Feel free to reach out to me to ask me questions at Your life is a gift, design it. Do what matters and join me each week as we get closer to designing the life of your dreams.

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The Illusory search for happiness

John Lennon quote

I see quite a few people who come in and say they want to be happy…. trouble. Nothing is ever enough for them.

Anyone who lives his life looking for happiness ends up sick, addicted or kills himself directly or indirectly prematurely.

If you feel you get what you deserve you feel content.

If you feel you got more than you deserved you feel lucky (when positive), unlucky (when negative).

If you are hungry (can be food, sex, recognition whatever) the moment you get just enough you feel gratification and you may feel happy for 30 secs to one minute then it’s over.

After that the law of diminishing returns and sensory overload load kicks in. Another unit of what just gave you pleasure is no longer pleasurable and you begin to feel less happy then you were a few moments earlier.

The ones who end up reasonably content, fulfilled and even dare I say it happy more often than not, picked a life focussed on purpose and it was often values driven.

They are often artists, scientists even missionaries. Generally they focus on more than themselves. On something larger but in such a way that their own emotional and psychological needs are met in this pursuit.

They have learnt resilience like marathon runners so they don’t experience burnout.