Creating A Life Design
“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life,” Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles of Darwin. Are you truly present in your life? The answer to this question has serious consequences for your future. Regardless of how far back you would bother to look into history, you will discover the individuals who are into life design have one thing in common. They understood precisely what they were getting into. From Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs, they had a destination in mind. All of them knew precisely what it could be like, everything from life design for greater returns involved along with everything that was required of them to accomplish their main objective or their primary outcome. When you perceive precisely what it takes to manage your resources for greater productivity and to achieve your core focus, there would be no stopping you. What exactly do we know? Your life design for better results definitely should be focused, relentless along with being enlightened. We can move on to precisely what you need to do to make it happen. Congratulations for being the type of person that gets going. You are still here. Always remember that building buffer time for the unexpected will ensure you will always get things done. You may begin by keeping that in mind. You can rise to the challenge.
Let’s move onto priming yourself to remain focused in the essential priority that makes a difference. It’s the internal domino effect. It’s a single thought that pops up in your head or mind that leads to another thought and another one. Then all of a sudden, it’s an hour later and you haven’t gotten anything done. The internal domino effect can also be a single emotion that leads to another emotion and another one and all of a sudden, you’re worked up over nothing at all. The internal domino effect can also be something physical like losing your keys and as you’re looking for them, you find something else you haven’t seen in the while. This leads to something else and then you are totally distracted. Multitasking can trigger your internal domino effect. In fact, many of us are internal domino effect addicts. We get addicted to the stress chemicals that get released when you are distracted and stressed out, chasing our dominoes around. When you first notice your dominoes, it’s a moment of being present. It’s becoming aware of what’s been going on all along. To do this, first write down a list of all the dominoes or triggers that distract you physically, emotionally and mentally. Write down three or four in each area.
Next, look at the list for the one biggest domino, then visualize yourself in a situation where the domino shows up. See the scene begin to happen in a super slow motion. Do the same visualization but this time, see yourself being present just as the domino happens. You take a deep breath and let it go and you get back to what you were doing and you feel good. Then you maintain your focus. I will go through an exercise that helps you get the completion of things in your life. Parts of our life that are incomplete rob us of energy. Maybe you had a fight with someone years ago and you never resolved it or someone ripped you off and you have lingering resentment or you have been halfway down on a project for months. I would suggest that when you do this exercise, complete it. First, make a list of all the areas of your life where you have a sense of incompleteness. One page maximum at the most should take you less than ten minutes. Go through the list and prioritize the ones that are robbing you of the most energy. These are the ones we want to attack first. Either complete them or let them go consciously. Decide that it’s not worth it to allow them to rob you of energy any longer. This can be hard because our ego can get involved.
A lot of times, we rather serve justice on another person rather than get our life and energy back. Instead, make the conscious decision to either get completion or release it to the universe. Most people can’t sleep because they’re obsessing about problems that are not yes or problems they cannot solve. Very often they go round and round about them because they have trained themselves to problem solve without having a switch off button. Are you stressed and overwhelmed? Most stress cannot be eliminated by having a good night’s sleep or a bath. Often people under duress will not be able to identify or even admit the precise reason for the stress and start feeding the whole world is ganging up on them. Pointing fingers at vague and subjective issues does not help you in finding solutions. How exactly do you pinpoint your stresses on your own? Just use a simple technique and ask yourself key questions. You can identify your stressors and manage them. What are your stress markers? The following questions will be a great way to identify stressors at work. This should be enough to begin with. You can ask questions later.
You can answer the following questions. Do you have enough resources to do your job? That’s the first question. The second one, are the job specifications stated in measurable terms for what is expected of you? The next question, do you have access to a standard operating procedure or otherwise known as the SOP manual for your job? The next question, do you have to do everything yourself or do you have help? Are you trying to control issues outside your control? Are you trying to please or seek admiration from everyone or from certain people at work or even at home? Are you an appreciation-seeking addict? Is somebody’s urgency or poor planning an emergency for you? Is your life at the mercy of emails, pagers and other electronic-controlled mechanisms? Are the timeframes and work targets real? Are you chasing artificial datelines created by clueless people? Are you burning out from chasing unrealistic expectations from people around? Are others expecting you to do mind-reading and vice versa? Are you financially challenged? Are you spending more than you are earning? Is a corporate rumor about getting fired, downsizing, reorganizing, etc. causing you stress? Are you taking care of your health and rest properly? Are you getting your eight hours of calm sleep daily? Do you or your family have any health problems that could trigger stress? Are family problems creating hell at work out? Are work problems creating hell at home? Are you needlessly anticipating bad news? Are you working in a badly managed project? Having too little, too much or no work can create anxiety about job continuity. Do you suck at time management? Are you overcommitted? Can you reduce your load?

The above list is a great way to start figuring out what is stressing you. Stop obsessing and start doing sure. Take out a piece of paper and write down all the things you’re worried and thinking about it. Write for fifteen minutes straight and do that now. If you are done with the questions and you have answered that part, then you will realize, “That’s a lot of stuff.” Next, go through the list and put a check mark next to everything that is outside of your control and a star next to everything that is within your control. Then take all the items with stars. Pick the most important ones, no more than ten. Transfer them to another list and put them in your priority order. These are the things that you can work on over the next eight weeks. If you sign up for the online Freedom Formula, I will take you through a precise process of how you can work through all of them. Now that you’ve prioritized the ten items in your “What You Can Control List,” generate what you need to do to change the situation. You may find as you generate solutions, there may be certain areas that you have no control over. List what changes you can make in the ‘What I Can Change’ category. List the issues that continue to come up under ‘What I Cannot Change’ category.
Whatever you’ve identified in the ‘What I Cannot Control’ or ‘What I Cannot Change’ category, you can consciously let go of these items in your mind. When you are done, you’ll have released the things that are outside of your control or not critically important and you will have a fresh new list of the most important things you can control and you can work on. Every time you look at life design for greater productivity as a lifestyle instead of a goal, you may find it easier to adopt the practices that augment your success. The adjustment in your schedule has a bigger purpose beyond realizing a single objective. The most dedicated people will see your main objective through. You can become one of them. If you allow yourself to become enlightened, you will find your journey is a stimulating one and growing for taking that very first step.
I want to talk about the difference briefly between a compulsive life and a designed life. In a compulsive life, there is this belief I can control everything. In a designed life, I only focus on what I can control. In a compulsive life, I can change everything in my life all at once. In a designed life, I only focus on what I can change one step at a time. In a compulsive life, there are things that I cannot influence and I’m still going to worry about them. In a designed life, I only focus on what I can influence. In a compulsive life, I am totally spontaneous on how I plan and I keep reacting all the time. In a designed life, I have routines that help me win every time.
One lucky audience that poses a review at iTunes will win a private confidential consultation and coaching with me on discovering your soul’s purpose. I will lead you on a personal journey to discover your unique mind, body and a psychosomatic map of your life. You will get a detailed report on the personal 45-minute consultation with me that is worth thousands. On this podcast, I’m going to help you design a life that works so you are able to say yes to the things that matter and eliminate everything else that slows you down. The clearer you can be about how to organize your daily life to support your bigger vision, the more you will step into your true potential, stay on track and accomplish all that you want and deserve. Are you ready to make that happen? Feel free to reach out to me to ask questions at Your life is a gift, design it. Do what matters and join me each week as we get closer to designing the life of your dreams.