Books by Dr. Sundardas

amazon_books7Dr Sundardas D. Annamalay is a Naturopathic Physician practicing for the last 27 years in Singapore. His clinical interests include children’s learning disabilities (ADD/ADHD, Autism, Infections), Allergies, Women’s Health Concerns, Musculoskeletal Pain and Healthy Aging. He is currently Professor of Naturopathic Medicine at the Youngson Institute of Natural Science (Australia) and runs a busy practice in Singapore.

He is the CEO of the NTC Alliance Group of Companies in Singapore. His focus is on maximizing one’s physical, emotional and economic lifespan. He is a best-selling co-author, speaker, trainer and coach to leading CEOs in Asia.

Sundardas is fascinated by meditative practice, dancing and martial arts, but not necessarily in that order.