A business EMPIRE built on T-R-U-S-T


You feel you have what it takes to build a business empire? Think again…


  1. You can’t just build it with an idea, you have to build it with STRATEGY


Strategy may be a key in building trust in your workplace. As a leader, you have to learn how to keep your team together. You must know different ways in supporting them and boosting their efforts to make them work together harmoniously.


  1. You can’t just build it with people, you have to build a TEAM


People in the workplace can not be considered as a team if they are uncooperative. If individuals are always thinking for their own good and not for the many, it will be hard to get them to work together. A team needs to find their common ground in order for them to be able to relate themselves with each other.


  1. You can’t just build it with rules, you have to build TRUST


There are plenty of rules governing our lives as it is. Individuals may or may not follow these rules. But if you have a team, you can’t just give them rules, as a good leader, you need to show them your trust. If there is trust in the workplace, then you will definitely see that these rules are built by cooperation and creative thinking plus, sound judgement.



They say that…

Take chances to gain more and learn more in the process.


Don’t be afraid to take some risks. Learn to trust your instincts as a leader. Of course, taking risks may involve not being able to win always. But not having those risks could only cause you regret in the end. If you do more you can gain more because all these chances in your life comes with a reason behind it. Grab that opportunity at hand. Your team will benefit in the process by either learning or succeeding in the end.


Rushing into things will only lead to failure without proper planning.


Don’t rush into things. Take a big leap of faith only if you have all the resources you need within your reach. You need to learn when you should take a chance. Don’t just grab at a losing end and then fall down the ladder. Without the proper motivational tools or lack of the needed materials you and your team might just be passing through the rough road not knowing what it takes to survive. Learn the strategies and have the basic tools at hand before you take the steps to your goals.


Understand the needs of your team and create friendly relationships.


Your team may be a unit because they want to work together for different reasons. As a good leader, you must listen to them to know each of their stories. You need to be able to reach out and understand their individuality, in turn they also need you to be within their reach. Give them time to adjust on things and be able to forgive their faults from time to time. Your will learn a lot from different people and in the process gain their cooperation and friendship.


Stay focused in reaching the goals you’ve set into place.


You are on the right track. Follow that path in front of you and don’t take the easy way out of things. If you feel that anyone from your team is going the wrong way help him or her go back to the path you’ve planned as a team. Don’t let anyone fall, but if they do, just get them back up. Find the motivation you need to be able to stay focused.


Test yourself from time to time to know your limits and where you can push forward.


It is important to do some knowledge check from time to time. If you do, then your team will keep on challenging themselves as well. If you feel that you have reached another milestone then go ahead and test your skills. It is necessary to boost your team’s morale and therefore being able to keep everyone on track in your business.


Lastly, it’s not too late to realize that you have a long way to go…but don’t lose sight.

Here’s our OWN ingredient to build that TRUST in your business EMPIRE.



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