Do you settle for second best in your business?


What are you  putting up with in business and your life? You know it’s not working out but you just grin and bear it and  sometimes pretend it isn’t there.

It’s about the things in business and in life that are getting in people’s way. Some business owners’ past continually haunt them today. They choose to put up with it as the business goes and before they know it, it’s already a part of a day to day business activity and slowly draining their life and energy.

No focus on customer relationship  

This can impact customer relationships.

Poor relationships with customers will result in low customer retention and referrals.  Customers are the main focus of your business, thus without sufficient number of customers it may be a cause of struggle.  Don’t put up with it.  Start building a good relationship with them, and be pleasant and sociable.

Complacency in business

Business may change in certain ways and having a limited focus on your business plans might get your business in trouble. Many business owners are often focused on too many things. If you want to maximize success, the key is to focus on a business plan, project a 2-3 year plan, which has to be reviewed every year.

Doing it Alone

Whether it is a partnership or sole proprietorship, coping with everything alone is one of the limiting traits exhibited by owners today. Business owners believe that they can manage everything and don’t need any advice or help from anyone. From the start, it seems simple and your strategy may be successful as the cost is low because everything is done by one person. However, as the business starts to pick up gradually, the workload increases exponentially and unpredictable situation arise.



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