Do you work too much?… You are missing out a lot.


In today’s busy world, prioritizing between work and personal time can be a challenge. Over the course of time we see people who have been frustrated to have a lot of work but no free time at all. Working can give you financial freedom due to the amounts of money you can earn from your business but have you thought of the number of hours you spend on work versus taking care of your personal preferences?

The thing is…

Studies show that having poor work-life balance can result in unhealthy levels of stress, unhappiness and even reduced productivity. You might be missing out on what life has to offer outside of your business or you may not be able to let yourself unwind which will affect your day to day decisions. So it is important to achieve work-life balance every day in our lives.

Here are some tips…

  •         Set your priorities – figure out what you want to focus on and keep a list of at least five of them. This will make you save time by being organized.


  •         Track your time – look at how much time do you spend on things that do not matter to you. Eliminate those things or delegate them to someone else will allow you to manage time better.
  •         Concentrate on one thing at a time – multi-tasking sometimes can be distracting and counterproductive. Instead devote your full attention to the task at hand.


  •         Schedule one thing you look forward to each day – it can be as simple as devoting an hour of your time to read a book or just being alone. It will allow you to relax for the task ahead.


  •         Check your personal habits – look at things like lack of sleep, poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Make time to correct them to achieve healthy balance.


  •         Take a vacation – taking at least a week or two off work will let you recharge your batteries in order for you to be productive, creative and happy person.


  •         Get plenty of exercise – find time to get plenty of exercise to relieve stress, clears your mind and be more productive.


  •         Set boundaries – because of smartphones and laptop you can work anywhere but this makes you get distracted of your personal time. Turn them off in your personal time and ask friends and family to not interrupt unless it is an emergency.


  •         Ask for support – look for a personal coach or a mentor that will give you advice on career development, setting priorities and time management.

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You think you know the TRUTH… Think again.


We have to face the TRUTH…

When we see our business growing we thought that we have predicted what is going to happen. We are certain that we had everything planned and it will succeed.


Confidence is important to engage in situations that needed the most and it offers a lot of opportunities in business that will make it grow. This is probably because most of us go through our lives watching confident people succeed, whether it is political candidates winning in the elections, cancer patients beating their illness or athletes earning medals. There is so much evidence that there is a correlation between confidence and success although it is easy to make a mistake as well that confidence can cause success in general.

On the other hand…

Overconfidence can give you an illusion of success which will lead to poor outcomes later on. It can be a cause if you thought you already have the business established but did not look on factors that will affect it. An entrepreneur who becomes overconfident can be like a basketball athlete that thought he has a “hot hand”. He will think with this theory he can surely make more successful shots but statistically a “hot hand” theory does not exist. With this concept in mind the athlete takes more risks thus decreases his chances for success.

In the business world 80% of businesses go bankrupt in the first 5 years and another 5 years after. As a result only 10% of businesses last more than 15 years which is alarming.

In order for you to see confidence as an ally you have to partner it with preparedness. You need to look at every angle of the situation and not just banking that your business is a success by looking at a few factors. Preparedness and anticipation is the key to fight overconfidence and will boost your chances that you will not fall into its traps.

You can also learn from professionals who have been successful in the past and learn the correct balance of being confident and prepared. With this you increase your knowledge and know what is coming before it does.

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