Having doubts, second thoughts and negative reflexes….How to control them?


Do you know how your brain actually works? We know that there are billions of neurons that deliver different messages to different parts of our body. Science says that we are only using 5% of our brain and who knows what we could achieve by accessing more than that. However, although our brain is so powerful, we may not  know who’s really controlling it. Are we controlling our brain? Or is it our brain which controls us?

“The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron is connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe”. – Michio Kaku

Our brain can play tricks on us, it can even make us see things differently. Examples are the optical illusions which play tricks on our brains, making us think otherwise. The most crucial part of our brain is when we doubt, have second thoughts or when we are having negative reflexes. Ninety percent of the time, as we have second thoughts or doubts, our body becomes paralyzed for a couple of seconds. This is because our brain does not know what decision to make between the options that were given.

In addition, good or bad options  have their own consequences as well. This also happens when the options are all equal. Our body freezes for a few seconds while our mind is still in the process of choosing what the best option is. However, our mind has a way of adjusting. It may either come up with the choice immediately or might still need to take some time to find the answers. There’s an element of fear in making that big decision. That fear makes it so hard for us to make our stand.We may just want to avoid our thinking  all together to deal with the fear.  

“So how do we exactly overcome doubts, second thoughts and negative reflexes that are results to bad decisions and wrong actions?”

Yes, there are ways on how to overcome them, here are a few: Imagine for about a hundred years from now, who’s going to care? Just look at the positive side of life and learn from your mistakes and put it down to experience. Most of all, if you don’t try, you will never know! Dr. Sundardas Annamalay has uncovered many secrets on overcoming doubts, second thoughts and negative reflexes. We can TELL YOU MORE!


Don’t Give Up Too Soon… Revitalize Your Life


Sometimes we think that we want to go back to being a child. This is where we did not have problems with bills, work, earning money, going to go through our everyday lives, gossip and many other issues. Being an adult does have its positive sides and challenges as well. The negative side of being an adult is having responsibilities to be a reliable provider for your family. You make sure that everything is perfect for them and have a good relationship with your friends at work. While the positive side of being an adult, on the other hand is, you can make your own decisions in life. You can go anywhere you want and you have the choice to either be successful or not.

“It is the way you perceive things, not how you notice the roadblocks.”

There are ways on how you can be successful and be able to achieve that success. You have to realize that as a human being you have limitations. However, those limitations are also the very reason why we should find a way to overcome them. We have to admit, that there are problems and obstacles that are too much for us to tackle head on. That’s why we have to find a way to get around it but still get the same results. The more problems we face, the stronger we get and more confident we become in life.

“Life does not always give us what we want, most of the time we have to work really hard and even sacrifice something we love to achieve our goals!”

Giving up on a problem is the easiest thing to do, however, if you give up right in the middle of it, then the feeling of regret and disappointment will kick in. You can quit anytime, that is your privilege, and it’s always an option. Still if you get used to the feeling of quitting every time you encounter a problem then you are at the losing end of the stick. Remember, “Quitters never win!

There are a lot of ways on how you can get over even the deepest problems. You just have to know how to press the reset button when everything goes haywire. Start HERE to get revitalized and stress relief! The TIME is NOW!


Goodbye STRESS… Hello SUCCESS!


Have you ever wondered why there are times you are so fired up that you can’t stop whatever you’re doing? The feeling that you know you should be sleeping but still can’t go to bed? The feeling that it seems like you still have the energy until sunrise? Well guess what, the only reason for that feeling is because you are motivated! Yes, that’s right!

Motivation is the key and the reason why you don’t feel stressed out even though you have been working for almost 12 hours. And when you are motivated, your success will surely follow.

There are many ways how a person can be motivated. It actually depends on how that person gets the drive to do a task. For example, a boy who wanted to have a bicycle is going to work hard to save money and buy a bicycle. Or a man is motivated to do his work diligently and efficiently to make sufficient money for food and to pay the bills. Plus, having the time and budget to save in order to spend on his hobbies. This is what motivation can do, it can bring out the best in you. With motivation, you can even do great things and reach skyrocketing success.

Here are some of the benefits of being motivated:

  • You glow and outshine among everyone – Yes, that’s true. When you are motivated, everyone notices it and they can tell if someone or something is giving you inspiration or motivation in order to do your task diligently. They will then start giving you compliments like “you’re glowing today!” that will brighten your mood even more! By starting your day right you can make sure that nothing can ruin it with patience and hard work.
  • Positive outlook in life – Motivation can bring out the best in you. In that way, it can also change your very own perspective in life towards being positive. Positive thinking is a good way to make the most out of every situation there is. Therefore, it’s one of the outcomes of being motivated. It also fuels your mood which typically depends on your positivity!
  • Makes you Healthy and Active! – Being motivated can make you healthy, by making you stay active all the time. The power of motivation gives you the drive to do all the task needed in your everyday life. You will realize that everything can be done in a day! Just like what they say: “Finish today what can be done tomorrow”.

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it!”  

– Lou Holtz

Our lives are already stressful as it is, so let’s not make it anymore worse than what we already have. Let’s make everything lighter and be motivated in order for us to achieve the very success that we dream of having.