Teach yourself how to LET GO…


Have you ever heard yourself say these words?

“About 10 years ago, I wasn’t really happy with my life. If we met back then you’d think me single-minded, adamant, opinionated and self-righteous. The reason for that is plainly because it’s my own way to get successful in life. Or so I thought.”

Yes, it is understandable that some years would be hard for you and people might also let you feel that you’re giving them a hard time. However the fact is, it’s not about your attitude per se, it’s all about the struggle of getting things done in your business that’s making you stressed out. Your main problem here is getting to stay positive despite all odds.

It feels sometimes that you’re all alone in this struggle however, you have your staff to back you up every step. Yet you feel like someone is always looking behind your back, calling out to you that you’re being too pushy, arrogant or even too opinionated that you have been calling the shots too much. Don’t let these things affect you in any way. Remember that you are the CEO and you have the knowledge and skill for this type of work. Your staff maybe good with their skills yet they are just not seeing the “BIG PICTURE” as you do. Don’t castigate yourself too much about being too bossy or too worked up sometimes. It’s also part of the job to stay on top of things.

Now the best part is, you should match up positive actions to every problem that arises. Don’t go crying over spilt milk. The fact is you are your own boss and you must take charge of your life and career.  

Now, you’re asking, “what’s the BIG LESSON in all these?”

Yes, you should be happy and be successful at the same time, but how do you deal with what you’re experiencing every day? The simplest way is learning to LET GO…

I’m not kidding…

LET GO of the negative emotions that surrounds you every day.

Life is short and uncertain, so if you dwell on the negative then you might as well forget all you have achieved so far. It’s a waste of time dealing with people who don’t see you eye-to-eye. They may think you are wrong right now but later on they will see that you have been expecting the outcome in the first place and have all the plans laid out.

LET GO of your stress and learn to find ways to relax from time to time.

De-stress that’s what they always say. But I say, take time to rest and recover. I know it’s not easy to get your bags packed up and leave your work unattended. You have to still be able to get things done as you can, yet taking that long vacation will ultimately increase your long-term productivity.

LET GO of the OLD you by re-inventing yourself from the ground-up.

The things you think you know before, might not be the things you know that would work now. Apologies might be important but if you work on getting things done and being able to stay up-to date with your tasks, then there’s really no need to say “Sorry”. If you have amended what you’ve done wrong to your clients, to your staff and to yourself, then don’t waste that precious moment. Action speaks louder than words, again another quote that’s appropriate in this situation. Everyone has their own way of managing things, however, you need to catch up by creating a new method in executing your processes.

There’s always the perfect way of letting go of the past mistakes or trials in life.

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1…2…3…You’re On the Go!


While everyone else is running you find yourself in an obstacle course about to hit the finished line of success… however, you feel stagnant, like you’re still there.. Stuck.

Perhaps, you are doing the right thing. Don’t move right away without making decisions or finding a new way to handle things.

Notice the situation from different angles. Ask your family and friends about how they become successful and how they dealt with failure. Seek out support from them while you are preparing and in the process of achieving your success. The important part of this is to listen to them, get the information you need, complete the picture then, 1…2…3…Go!   

You may not be the only first timer on the track of SUCCESS. You may even be a failure several times. This time, try to be professional in approaching in coming distractions, such as people who would get you off the track. While you’re obtaining a new perspective, be open to NEW ideas but have clarity about your future direction to avoid getting side tracked. Some people who are concerned might even offer you their suggestions without you asking. Allow them to speak, then, express a gratitude for their feedback. Now, you’re set to Go!

Once you have an idea and a plan on how you want to proceed, embrace your new path and stay focused on your track. Overcome your feelings of failure, let the past go and leave a space in your life for your new experiences.

Success is waiting for you, take it, and Go!

Who Is to Be Blamed….Is it me?


“I have a business for more than 5 years, but now it failed.”

“I am a married man for 15 years, but we’re separated now.”

“I am a father of 2 kids for 13 years, but they hate me now.”

FAILURE… A short word, but has a wide impact to people who failed. Most of the entrepreneur who failed in business got a domino effect in life. Their relationship with their family are the ones greatly affected. So, for them they believe that failure is bad.

What is the reason for failure?

Stripping away all the explanations, excuses and justification the only probable reason for business failure is poor leadership. In reality, good leaders often refuse to take the credit when they succeed, yet they embrace the full responsibility when they fail.

Sounds painful isn’t it?

What makes them fail?


It doesn’t matter who you are, if you have a bad attitude and don’t do the right things for the right reasons definitely you will fail. If you exhibit a bad attitude with your co-workers or even in your personal life, it would also affect them as much as it’s affecting you. Showing an unpleasant character won’t create loyalty, won’t engender confidence and won’t develop trust.

How to recover from failure?

Accepting the fact that you failed is the first step. Seek out the best advice that is available. All entrepreneurs should have a professional adviser that could give them recommendations and strengthen their knowledge in making decisions. If you really want to recover from failure, then do not let your work be affected with personal problems or vice versa. You must always be humble, however, be just or fair to your co-workers, the people around you and especially to yourself. There is no room for negativism in your workplace and your personal life.  

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