Do you have INTERVIEW-Phobia? Here’s our cure…


Applying for a job?

You might say, “Yes, but I always run out of ideas when the interviewer asks me questions…”

If you experience this and more then you are lacking the correct responses for your interview to run smoothly. Why is that?

It’s because of many different reasons…

  • Like the lack of trust in yourself
  • The feeling of inferiority towards the interviewer or towards your colleagues
  • Your mind is distracted of other problems in your personal life
  • You might be struggling with what to say at the right time and place
  • People always telling you that you are not good enough
  • Some childhood trauma that might be blocking you
  • And many other issues you haven’t been able to face

But fact still remains, you need to remove your mental block in order to face your phobia. This is why you need to know the main cause of your phobia.

First, find out what is blocking your mind whenever you answer questions in an interview. Is it because you lack the skills to do the job? If you are confident of the skills you have, then what is stopping you in boosting your self-esteem? Remember that you are just telling the interviewer what you can do as opposed to being conceited. Do not be too humble to the point where you can’t say the things you want or have to say in order to get the job.

Next step is you need to find out what triggers your phobia. When did you first notice that you have the fear of being interviewed in public? If you know what triggers it, then, before you are placed in that situation again you need to learn how to relax. Relaxation or calming techniques may clear your mind with any anxieties or doubts that you have in mind. Don’t just give in to your fears. Learn simple ways on how to fight them off.

Lastly, the questions about having this phobia could go on and on but the answers on how to get them out of your system has always been within you. You know you can fight this off of your system. There is still time to recondition your mind and gain back the confidence you have lost.

Gain an insight on how to reach your set goals by having a successful job interview.

Don’t let yourself fall off the grid and get eaten away by some INTERVIEW-Phobia.

We have the TOOLS to help you get the right answers in place

and drive off those phobia “demons” out of your way for good!