Remove that “Cancer-like” memory NOW…


You feel uneasy… I know.

If you have a “Cancer-like” memory that you wish would disappear. And it is difficult to hide from it.

Because the real deal is…

You experienced an overwhelming amount of stress from a person, place or event that you seem unable to cope which affect your way of judgement. It is called emotional trauma and it is a result of an extraordinary stressful event that makes you feel unsecured, helpless and vulnerable. Although most of the time it involves a threat to life and security but it can also come from overwhelming feeling of loneliness or a situation where in the process of information is too much to take in. The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more likely you are traumatized.

Some causes of emotional trauma are:

>  An unexpected event

>  Unpreparedness to a certain activity or event

>  You feel powerless to prevent it

>  Repeated occurrences

>  Someone is intentionally cruel

>  Any event during childhood



You can either:

1) Make the best of a bad situation, or…

2) Let a bad situation make the best of you.

If you picked number 1 you made the right choice of doing something about it. One of the best methods is to seek professional help if you feel you cannot recover on a normal pace. Make sure He or she is someone who you are familiar with and comfortable to talk to.  With this you can speed up the process of your recovery.

You can learn more by reading further HERE…