Are You Contented With Your Income? Think Again…


  •    Paying your bills – Done
  •    Paying the taxes  – Done
  •    Buying supplies  – Done

At the end of the month, have you get enough left to pay yourself?

If you believe that you already got a profitable business, because you can pay all your expenses better think again.

Here are some helpful tips to help you increase your income.

  •   Do More. Meaning work more hours, an average business owner spends time more than 40 hours per week to keep track in their business. It is very unrealistic to have full time income if you work part time in your business. If you think you already spent full time in your business, then may be it would be wise in putting your time in the right place.
  •   Don’t hold back.  If  do not give your full-time commitment to the business because you are afraid of failing or fear being rejected by clients, retrace your steps. There’s no chance to increase your income when fear is crowding your judgment, this might cause you to fail. Take proactive steps to increase your income.
  •   Learn more. You may be working hard for months in your business and do active marketing. But, learning more is what you need. Based on statistics, 50% of new business owners say they did no prior learning about entrepreneurship before they started. A knowledge in professional service is not enough to run a business and earn a great profit.

Invest in learning, it may sound difficult for now, but eventually your finances will increase in the long run. Remember that you should not be earning only to pay for the bills, but earning to save for yourself, your family and for future plans.

Find more ways by clicking HERE

The BEST Solution for Top 3 NEGATIVE Business Circumstances


Being REJECTED most of the time?

For whatever business you’ve got rejection is a situation that is unavoidable. People will keep on questioning your ideas, challenge you and criticized you and you should be prepared for that. It is absolutely important in helping you to figure out how determined you are in achieving and why. However, negative things really affect you.

What should you do?

Be positive. Get up and fight the challenge. Moving on is the best thing to do with this whole thing. Prove to them that you have a positive attitude and be prepared for the next business struggle that you need to face.

Competitors giving you too much STRESS?

They got the deal. It seems like they are winning. They expand their business again. These are the things that keeps on running in your mind and it’s driving you crazy.

What’s the best thing to do?

Without competitors, the business world would be boring, there is a limited chance of improvement and achievement. What you should do is treat this thing as healthy competition. This will encourage you to change, innovate, and improve your products and services.

FAILED Business Idea?

It is completely understandable how unbearable that pain is when you start to wonder if  you are on the wrong track. Are you going to be left behind? Or are you determined to finding the best solution no matter how long it takes?

What’s my recommendation?

For a business that runs for few years and still no traction, this may be the best time to do some tweaking. Start to audit what you’re doing to find new ideas. Learn new things that may improve your finances. Before you think of giving up, make sure you have done everything.

We can help you… ANSWERS HERE


Want to Take a PROFIT Shortcut? We have a SPEEDY Way…


Profit increase depends on doing a lot of small things, however there’s a shorter way that could make a big change. Ride the smooth journey to profit making with the following strategies:

Find a SHORTCUT – Identify the steps to minimize your direct costs.  Just like looking for a new supplier with a lower price, reviewing systems and processes to minimize wastage. Trust your finances to a financial expert to reduce the chance of theft and for security purposes.

Focus on the ROAD – Focus your energies on things that are meaningfully unique. As a business owner, you must distinguish the products that gave your business the competitive edge. Then, focus your sales and development efforts on this.

Knowing which WAY – Having a good plan helps you foresee problems and adapt as economic situation changes. Set specific goals to measure performance accurately and effectively. Set a timetable to monitor if plans are being implemented. Review what you have achieved and continue looking for ways to improve.

Needing a co-driver on your business? Find out more on how we can help you…  



Be the Biggest Fish Splashing Around the Pond


The world is changing so fast, small business need an advisor to help them thrive. Looking for brighter ideas that will give them a competitive advantage.

It may sound awful but it’s true… Some business owners may spend 10-15 years not being able to earn back their capital.  While other businesses were able to achieve this milestone in less than 5 years. Still wondering if it’s possible? They were able to achieve their goals, so there’s no reason you can’t.

Widen your perspective – As a business owner, even with having too much on your plate, you must always focus on a clear vision. If you see the bigger picture, then you will be able to create a great team and explore new ideas and strategies in the process. This will help you in securing your place in the business world as an entrepreneur of your craft. Stay open to different options for a wider perspective. You can make it happen.

Swim on a growing market – Keep abreast with new market trends to be able to compete with your counterparts. Business owners must be able to dive into the process of innovation and tap into their hidden potential. To secure their business success, there is also a need to create robust statements and theories that should guide them in the decision making processes.

Create an Impact – Create high customer or client impact, by hearing out their concerns or suggestions about your company’s products and services. If you don’t receive any rave comments, it maybe because customers are not ecstatic about your offers. Get a higher return of investment by creating content that would make people curious about your products and services. Learn what your clients are buying into and be able to identify your buyer persona.

Growing a business and be the biggest profit earner is not easy, but it is possible.  



There’s ALWAYS a downside in business… Do you feel it?


“Struggles”… it’s a word every business owner hate!

It is a normal thing for most small business owners to face multiple STRUGGLES every day. Unlike large corporations which have bigger resources, these small businesses are forced to work hard in generating revenue and making a profit. To be able to solve this issue, business owners should identify where their struggles started and must be well-informed of the current market trends.


Cash flow challenges

MONEY is a necessity in any business to meet payroll, to execute a marketing program, to develop new products, and expand the facility to fulfil the demand. Having a limited amount of cash to spend for your business, makes it difficult to run and improve the operation. Most of the lending institutions and investors are hesitant to invest in a business that does not have the equity or the resources to take part in the open market.

Frequent Employee Turnover…

Large corporations give health benefits, paid sick and vacation leaves as well as profit sharing. These kinds of employment benefits are hard to implement in small businesses and it is one of their problems. Employees are attracted to HIGHER wages from larger corporations and make it difficult for small businesses to reduce employee turnover especially keeping their top employees.

Poor Time Management….

Owners that perform various tasks that occupy most of their activities every day, which makes it difficult for them to manage their time. They find it hard to map out their schedule which includes planning, business development, sales and marketing tasks, accounts payable and receivable, financial development and product improvement. Every aspect of the business needs attention, without an expert help in these areas it could be VERY DIFFICULT to manage.


Mind Strategics Learning Consultancy is willing to share the business techniques and strategies to improve profits that will solve and meet all your business and clients’ expectations. Don’t wait for bankruptcy and start learning more innovative ways… THE CHOICE IS YOURS NOW!