Nothing is permanent in this world other than “change”…


The rate of change in the world’s technology is accelerating. From the stone carvings of ancient Egypt up to unlocking your iphones and tablets with a simple swipe. Similarly the cycles of economy are moving faster and faster. Do you know what will be the one thing that will be greatly affected by this change? Your business!    

Your business is greatly affected by economic changes. Stocks will vary, currency rates  will fluctuate , prices will go up and down and the worst of all, your feasibility study or business blueprint for success could be null and void by the time you startup.

Can you catch up with the race?

One of the most essential aspects that we need to watch out is the technology. Nowadays, we can immediately send a message to someone from halfway across the globe. We can talk face to face with the person we love within just a couple of clicks from a computer or laptop. We  can capture photos anytime and share it to the world within a matter of seconds. Our business is no different. We have to adapt to the latest technology in order for our business to grow, and with the power of technology we can broaden the network not just locally, but also internationally!

“Crashing through the generation is also known as… innovation! “

Yes! That is what our business needs …“Innovation”. A powerful weapon that will surely give us a chance to be in-line with those who constantly update their plans, upgrade their equipment and make sure that their business withstand the competition or go even further.


This is a serious matter, the life of your business depends on it. This is a make or break for you and your career as an entrepreneur. Not only your business depends on it but also the people who works for you.

There’s still time, it’s not yet too late, the moment that you have been waiting for is already within your grasp, all you have to do is WALK THE RIGHT PATH!


It’s not just enough that you know, you also have to understand


In the world of business, you have to understand different types of behavior required to be successful. This takes a lot of effort in terms of time and money. Since you’re not only supposed to do research, you also have to make sure that you have a backup plan in everything that you do.

With the kind of environment in the business industry that we have today, one must think first who are the most competitive ones? Who will rise up to the challenge? If you don’t have a complete understanding of what you’re about to do, then you won’t stand a chance against the competitors you’re about to face.

Is it really going to end like this?

Here’s how you can have some edge against your competition:

  •    Understanding the behavior of the business world – The business world as a whole, can give you a bird’s eye view of the type of competitors you’re about to face. Don’t take this for granted. This will give you the blueprint of what you can do and your possible backup plans. Feasibility studies are difficult as it takes a lot of experience and expertise in your specific field of business to make sure that your study is accurate for the next 5 or 10 years. Since there’s a lot of things that can happen in that span of time and the one thing that a business cannot control are natural disasters.
  •    Understanding the behavior of your employees – It affects your business directly as it involves the people you work with, particularly your employees. Make sure you have good communication and understanding with your staff is as important as taking care of your business. In the same way that employees will also focus on their responsibilities, assigned tasks and making sure they are following company rules and regulations.
  •    Understanding the behavior of your clients – This is the most critical of all since this type of behavior will determine the lifespan of your company. By understanding your clients or customers, you will learn how to make use of your skills in terms of keeping your clients and making sure of repeat business. You should learn various ways to address challenging situations, with your clients, keeping in mind the goals you have planned. And of course, with the right attitude and skills to back you up, you will ultimately reach your goals and find more ways to earn your success.

These are only a few tips on how to understand some behaviors that would essential for your business! If you’re willing to learn and you consider yourself a leader then don’t think twice about it.

Don’t Wait…SIGN UP NOW!


Lead your business to Success… Be a mentor!


SO… Are you ready to lead the way to SUCCESS!

Leading is a driving force in your business. It creates a sense of direction to where you want to go. As you look through your staff you will notice different skill sets that represent the information you need to be able to define or redefine your business success.

BUT… it’s not about what you’re DOING or NOT DOING!

Being a mentor means you have the ability to educate and share your knowledge with your employees or staff. This creates an environment of trust and efficiency that will provide a smooth transition in making sure you have the right tools at hand wherever or whenever you want to go. If you are serious about experiencing more success with ease and additional growth rate without any struggles, then step up NOW!

As the leader of your business, you should have the ability to assess your employees and know who will be the potential leaders that would soon follow your footsteps. A business will not succeed and grow if you don’t build and nurture your employees’ potential to lead various teams.

But how will you know that your subordinates possesses that potential?

Through serious training and the proper coaching tools, you would be able to assess which one has the ability to “acquire specific skills” and is “very willing and able” to do the job at hand. Then, you should guide them and lead them to their success. Because if you have people that have the skills and willpower to achieve success, you can be sure that in turn, you and your business will prosper in the coming years.

Being a mentor does not only mean that you have to teach what you know, but you also have to pass down everything that you learned because the main idea of mentoring is duplicating yourself.  By duplicating yourself, you also duplicate the work you can do, therefore giving you more time to do other things that can improve the business and make it grow even more.

Time is money, and you DUPLICATE your time by mentoring thus you DUPLICATE your money…

There is really no easy way on mentoring your employees effectively, but if you’re planning on making your company grow then the time is NOW!!!

It is not too late to start. Sign up on our program and

learn from our very own expert coach!


You can be a business fortune teller… Somewhat..


Can you be a fortune teller of your business?

Can you predict the ever changing markets and emerging growth of your competitors? What is the final outcome of technology and other influences to your business? Can you see the outcome of your hard work 10, 20 or even 30 years from now?

You are not a fortune teller. But there is a way to find out what may happen ahead of time…

Is this really possible?

It may sound very improbable at first, and there are factors that need to be reconsidered when it comes to your business, these factors can be:

  •       Years of experience in the business industry – with the ever growing market, nowadays you can’t just assume what happens. What with all the competitors that are rising through powerful strategies, years of experience, and more. Is there really a way we can assure ourselves that we have the skills to compete alongside with the elites of our time? This factor is also the reason why many aspiring businessmen are not reaching their set goals because they lack the experience and knowledge for clients to gain their trust.
  •       Blueprint to success – It really is a jungle out there! Literally,  you see corporations and small businesses will fight to win this unending battle. Who do you think will rise up in comparison with their competitors? If you don’t have the heart of a “lion” (meaning devoted) and the mind of a “wolf” (cunning or skilled), then definitely, you won’t stand a chance. This is also the same with making your business grow, you have to have a blueprint or a vision on how to execute the whole plan for your success.
  •       Following the right leverage – Nowadays, many who have already succeeded provide different ways on how they reached their goals. You have to make the right decision by analyzing your style and following your own pattern. This takes time and effort, so ensure that your business would not be left behind while you’re studying and retracing your steps in your business blueprint.

All these takes a lot of time, effort and energy from you, not to mention that you have to keep your business up, and you will come to a point where in you ask yourself…

“How can I do this?”

Dr. Sundardas Annamalay, a leading Naturopathic Physician and Business Mentor developed this system of looking for patterns in your business cycles and uses this to anticipate what will happen. You may use these “anticipation skills” to prevent a sudden collapse in your system and make your business run better.

If this sounds good to you then do not waste your TIME! GET STARTED TODAY!


How do you FULLY Adapt in your business? The Doc has the Answers..


I know being an entrepreneur is not easy. As your business grows, you start to wonder…

“Is it always this hard running a business? It feels like I haven’t learned that much.”

Look, your business can sometimes adapt to its environment in a way, but after a while it establishes its ground you will notice significant changes that will affect you. You cannot afford to stick to the same game plan every single time . Regardless of your industry, the whole marketplace changes every time. Here are several factors:

Competition: With a new competitor entering the market, you may be forced to change your marketing strategy.

Technology: Due to the introduction of new gadgets and software, your plan may need to change to keep up with innovation.

Regulations: Changes in government regulations can significantly affect how you do business.

Growth and Efficiency: As your business grows so too the demand for work. Changing your game plan to adapt to its growth is needed for increased efficiency.

Luckily, here are some essential tips to change your strategies

and adapt to the current marketplace.

Analyze the current market situation by conducting research online or in markets that distribute products to find out what sells. Consider the customers’ needs and how they change over time. Analyze your competitors’ activities as well to fully understand what needs to be done to meet the customers’ demands.

Make sure you embrace and adjust to changes by being open to ideas on how to embrace changes in the marketplace. Closely observe what is happening and make sure you treat your target customers as top priority and pay close attention to your competitors.

If you think in order for you to adapt requires refinement of certain skills make sure you build them before your competitors do in order to be better when it comes to serving your customers. If you are fast enough you will retain your customers and earn more in the process.

FINALLY, do not hesitate to ask for help from a professional. Someone who had already been in that situation and who had managed to adapt in the ways of running businesses. You will then be backed up and able to experience success combined with the efforts you place in. So, start right HERE and read about what is possible.. You will sometimes get surprised by what you have been missing.

Read the Details HERE!