Time Management: How To Be More Productive With Less Time


Time Management: How To Be More Productive With Less Time

Time Management

Let’s have a look at your life by design model. We all have things to do, people to see and targets to hit. Many of us either run our own businesses or work for others. If there’s one thing that we could have more of, apart from money, is time. Since the advent of the industrial revolution, as access to information and ease of communication started speeding up, we have found ourselves with less and less time. The neurosis of modern civilization is blocked time. We are seeing more people getting sick and dying, more divorces and failed relationships, more alienation of the young because we have lost control of time. Many of my clients and patients have struggles involving relationships, achieving targets and even being able to sleep. Others struggle to develop new habits to support new life goals and ambitions. At the heart of all these struggles is an easy relationship with priorities and resource allocation.

I’ve long been fascinated by how people use their energy. I’ve always looked at cutting-edge ways to do things more easily. My calendar has been chocked full of things to do and targets to hit. I thought I worked out a very good energy management system. However, as time went on, I began to realize I was working harder and harder but feeling less and less effective. Many of my strategies and methods were becoming less productive. I wonder if you have felt this way too. This led me to review some groundbreaking research around time management and what neuroscience has to say about how our brain processes time as we grow older and how we processed time as we become more stressed.

After almost 30 years of feeling I had an effective time management system, I reached the limits of what I knew. As the number of companies I was running and the complexity of the projects I was involved in grew, I realized that a brand-new approach was called for. I could no longer repeat the same old strategies. I became aware that most people did not value their time enough. They often did not use their time in fruitful and effective ways. Also at different times in our lives, as we go through life cycle changes, our priorities and values change as well. This would dramatically impact our relationship with time and productivity. Simply trying to squeeze more into the day will no longer work or be effective. We have to learn to focus on higher ticket items in our lives and businesses. From all of these perceptions and the experience of working with more than 15,000 individuals, a new model of time management was born. This model includes the latest findings in neuroscience, concepts and systems thinking and meditative practices, as well as concepts familiar to energy management. The graduates of my programs have asked me to formally put all these concepts together.

With this model of time management, you will begin to understand your personal day-to-day time rhythms as well as the life cycles you move through. You will learn about the value of your time and what you can do to increase this value. As you do so, you will find you’re doing more and more and less and less time easily and effortlessly. There are three core elements of this process. They are evaluate, discard and implement. The first process, evaluate, is to identify the difference that makes the difference. One of my seminar participants once accused me of making life boring by insisting on prioritizing and planning. She felt she wanted to be in the moment and be spontaneous. It took a few years before she realized that she could only be truly spontaneous when she had a disciplined approach, develop core skills and then set aside time for spontaneity.

In order to understand what matters to you, you need to explore and evaluate. Those who eventually became crystal clear about what methods do so because they had the benefit of hindsight, experience and evidence that something worked for them. To explore all that is relevant and possible, you need a base from which you can narrow down what is clearly the call for you, the crucial difference that makes the difference. You have to explore and evaluate a broad range of possibilities in depth before you can conclude about what works. Should you need to test things out in small ways before commenting in a big way, do what matters to you. Contrast this approach. With many Singaporeans who finished school and go to college, then polytechnic or a university, they then go out into the workforce. They know nothing about what truly matters in their personal, emotional and professional lives.

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They accept conventional perspectives about what is important. Then in their late 30s or 40s, they start struggling with overwhelming doubt. In private conversations in my office, they often plentifully ask me, “What is my life purpose?” If you believe as I did when I was living a compulsive life, that being driven and being overly busy was a sign of productivity, you also would have believed that creating the space and time to think, explore and reflect is a luxury. Yet these very activities are the cure to the curse of focusing on trivialities while missing the core issues in your life yet crucial for identifying the difference that makes the difference. Dedicate that life to silence. Spend significant chunks of time exploring, questioning, arguing, and thinking. The purpose of the exploration is to hone on what truly matters. To focus on the difference that makes the difference.

The second one is to discard the irrelevant. However, are you ready to get rid of what you should throw away? It is not enough to identify what activities and commitment do not work for you. You have to actively discard them. I will show you more in the episodes how to discard the clutter in your life so that you can have a well-designed and meaningful life and make vital contributions to what matters. You will also do so in such a way that you become more respected, acknowledged and valued in your home, workplace, community and society at large.

Getting rid of things and projects in your life and business will not be easy. There will be that nagging fear that you gave away something that you would desperately need later on in your life. This feeling is perfectly normal. Research has shown that when we don’t own something, we value it less. Those that we own, we assign a higher value to and so find it harder to dispose of. The critical question when deciding what to declutter is if I did not have this opportunity, what would I be prepared to sacrifice to get access to it? However, remember that in the life design model, whenever you’re going to say no to something, you’re agreeing by default. It’s easier to become clear by asking yourself. Instead of saying yes to every opportunity and activity, what would I say no to? This question will clear the cobwebs and give you a greater clarity for you and your team. It is the core questions that will allow you to make breakthroughs in your life, your career, and your business.

Last but not least is effortless implementation. Whether our plan is to plan a birthday party for our child, climb up the ladder at work or complete a project at work, we tend to think of implementation as hard work, something we need to force and make happen. However, the life design model is very different. We don’t need to force implementation because the prior stages to evaluate and discard our system has been created for removing obstacles and making implementation effortless. These three elements evaluate, discard and implement are part of an iterative cyclical process that moves you towards higher levels of performance and personal satisfaction.

To achieve this effortless state, all the elements are required. The previous two stages have been well explored in the necessary steps clearly delineated. Appropriate resources have been acquired, timelines have taken into consideration, the flow of energy and resources and how people operate. While effortlessness comes easy, you need to plan for it to happen. While compulsive types force execution of plans, those who understand the design life implement effortlessly. When all unnecessary details have been eliminated, habits automated and sequences streamlined, implementation becomes a seamless piece of the whole. We naturally want to do things the easy way.

One lucky audience that poses a review on iTunes will win a private confidential consultation and coaching with me on discovering your soul’s purpose. I will lead you on a personal journey to discover the unique mind-body psychosomatic map of your life. You will get a detailed report and a 45-minute consultation with me that is worth thousands. On this podcast, I’m going to help you design a life that works so you are able to say yes to the things that matter and eliminate everything else that slows you down. The clearer you can be about how to organize your daily life to support your bigger vision, the more you step into your true potential. Stay on track and accomplish all that you want and deserve. Are you ready to make that happen? Feel free to reach out to me to ask your questions at AskDrSun.com. Your life is a gift, design it. Do what matters and join me as we get closer to designing the life of your dreams.

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The Value Of Your Time: What Your Time Is Actually Worth

The Value Of Your Time: What Your Time Is Actually Worth

The Value Of Your Time

Unless you master your time, you can never truly be master of your destiny. What is an hour of your time worth? I don’t mean to get all philosophical on you, but have you thought about your time is your life? If you think about it, time is all you have. Moreover, there’s no such thing as free time. You can’t save free time and use it later. You have leisure time but it’s not free time. You’re either using your time purposefully or wasting it. Leisure time is the time that you use for rest and recreation. You have chosen to spend your time this way. It is not by default. What does this mean for your business and your life? Unless you commit to continually increase the value of your time, you will not be making the money or business you want or working the number of hours you want. There is no free time. You pay for all your time in your life. If you don’t use it, you lose it and it affects your income level, your health and your relationships. If you don’t value your time, no one else will. It always intrigues me that people generally have no idea what their time is worth and how to increase its value.

The question is, what is your time worth? Do you know what time is worth? Do you know how to value your time to achieve your income growth? Unless you know the value of your time, your capacity to make effective decisions on what you should do or shouldn’t do, and whether you should delegate would be fatally flawed. Another thing to know is this exercise will also challenge your perception around the value of time. If you’re honest and I hope you will be, you will get tremendous clarity about why you may or may not be making the progress you want. You and I both know it’s easy to fall into the trap of everyday life.

This exercise will ensure that in the next twelve months you’ll stay on track. Be sure to bring intention into everything you do. If you are the type of person who has been living a compulsive life where you’ve been very focused on achieving in one or two areas of your life at the expense of others, then this exercise will channel your ambition. It will ensure that you win at work and succeed at life and don’t burn out. I want to give you more of the building blocks and start with this one simple exercise. It’s going to open your eyes to what’s going on with your time, the good, the bad and the ugly. No more going into default mode and hoping that in time success will come to you. Now, we’re getting intentional. We are taking the first step towards designing the life the way you want it. We’ve all heard that time is money. The problem is, we don’t act like that is true, but what if we did? What is time and exercise doing for you?

Here is the reality. You have some big decisions about what you’re going to do with your time. Maybe there are some enticing opportunities on the horizon that you shouldn’t take. Maybe you have a project or business you need to exit to make room for something even better. The only way you’ll know is if you determine the real value of your available time. The best way to do that is to work from how much revenue you’re currently earning. Notice the four big blocks, time off, time on administration, service delivery and revenue generation. We only have 365 days in a year, 366 if it’s a Leap Year. How we divide these days is critical for understanding how much they’re worth.

Take the total amount of revenue you are projecting and divide it by the number of days you have available to earn it. You want to subtract the number of days you’re taking off, this is your extra time available. Your current value of time is the total income divided by the total number of days. That’s your dollar value per day, eight-hour a day formula. This will tell you what you’re making. The next best way to do that is to work from how much revenue you’re going to be earning. The current value of time equals total projected income over the total number of days, dollar value per day, eight-hour day formula. If you’re an entrepreneur, a business owner or a CEO, this exercise is for you. Practice working on profit building for an hour. At first, it won’t be easy.

LBD 09 | Value Of Your Time
Value Of Your Time: In business, you have to do two things: maintain your business and grow your business.


Eventually, you’ll be able to go the distance on an hour, on profit building activities. This is what productive time is all about. Productive time is time directly generated to produce income. What percentage of all time are you productive? The above exercise shows you your dollar value. However, what we really get to use, how much of your actual days are productive? I’m taking off 99 days each year. Subtract those days from 365 and those are the days that I have left for work. For me, that’s 265. For you, it will be whatever is left after you factored your time off. I take what is left over and break this up in three different ways. I sit down and track for three days how I spent my working time. Everything I did, I kept track of. I looked at the time I spent on administration, service delivery and revenue generation.

Administration refers to the maintenance staff, running meetings, answering emails, returning calls and so on, the time I’m working on the business. You want to look at it this way. You have things to do to maintain your business and you have things to do to grow your business. Here’s a pro tip. The more you can group these activities into their own days, the more focused on efficiency you will pick up. Service delivery is if I’m doing medical-related activities or I’m teaching a program and there is no selling involved. Revenue generation for me is stuff creating video courses, blogging, writing books, conducting seminars and selling to clients. For you, it could be the different business in your portfolio; the different customers or clients that your accounts will serve. It could be creating a product, making sales calls and whatever turns the crank in your business.

Once you’ve figured out how many days you have to generate revenue, these are your revenue generation days. The worksheets will divide your total revenue target and see how much those days are really worth. Every day you are working just to maintain the business and not create revenue, you’re potentially wasting time. I encourage you to think about doing this exercise over the next few days. I was shocked to realize I was only spending 50% of the time on revenue generation activities. I decided to change how I spend this time. I started passing on more of the administration and service delivery to others and focus more on revenue generation. You’ll notice the first critical piece of information. How much money are you projecting to make in this coming year? We want to put a dollar sign in our days so we can see how much our time is worth. You’ll be surprised.

Doing this exercise gets very sobering very fast, but it’s also empowering. When I first did this exercise, I found our spending time on activities that were not generating revenue. It took me a while to make the decision but eventually, I decided to reconfigure how I ran some of my businesses. What are your results telling you? Whatever the results, whatever the answer, doesn’t it feel good knowing where you should spend your time? Clarity is a wonderful thing, even if it’s tough news at first.

The first time I went through this exercise, I was shocked. It explained a lot about my financial situation. Immediately I could see my work was creeping into my weekends and into my nights. From that, it was easy to see how I was compromising the time I had for the important things in my life. Productive time is time generated and directly related to your income. What percentage of the time are you productive? One study of Fortune 500 CEOs estimated they had 28 productive minutes a day. Another estimated it at 38 productive minutes a day. Can you do any better? Shocking isn’t it that they spend 28 to 38 minutes only on profit-building activities a day. Think about what a CEO does. However, most of us are not working at that level so we can afford to be a lot more productive.

The differences between the compulsive life and the designed life, in the compulsive life, there are many things I do well. In the designed life, there’s only one thing I’m brilliant at. In the compulsive life, I will go after every opportunity. In the designed life, I will only focus on my core priority and work at my core competence. In the compulsive life, there are many things I can use to increase the bottom line. In the designed life, there is only one priority. I need to focus on the impact, the bottom line right now.

One lucky audience that posts a review on iTunes will win a private confidential consultation and coaching with me on discovering your soul’s purpose. I will lead you on a personal journey to discover the unique mind-body psychosomatic map of your life. You will get a detailed report and a personal 45-minute consultation with me that is worth thousands. On this podcast, I am ready to help you design a life that works so you’re able to say yes to the things that matter and eliminate everything else that slows you down. The clearer you can be about how to organize your daily life to support your bigger vision, the more you step into your true potential, stay on track and accomplish all that you want and deserve. Are you ready to make that happen? Feel free to reach out to me to ask the questions at AskDrSun.com. Your life is a gift, design it. Do what matters and join me each week as we get closer to designing the life of your dreams.

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