Do you need guts to face your fears?


Everyone has his or her own fears, be it emotional, physical or psychological. Fear is a natural thing for us humans, however, it only differs in its severity. Being afraid is a natural human emotion and it is also the very first thing that will hinder you from moving forward and being successful.

You cannot run from it! There is no escape!

If you want to be successful and take control of your own destiny then don’t escape from your fears, face them head on! I know you’re afraid but if you don’t have the courage to face your fears then you never will! Most of the success stories we hear involve some type of fear that they were able to overcome, whether it be physical, emotional or psychological.

Physical fear is the fear of getting hurt, you’re afraid that someone might hurt you physically or you’ll get hurt if you do some rough activities. It can prevent you from trying out outdoor sports since you’re afraid that you might get injured. The same with trying out extreme sports like bungee jumping, skiing, mountain climbing and other things that makes life more exciting. With Physical fear, you are limiting yourself or confining yourself with that fear in mind. This leads you to passing out opportunities for you to know who you really are and what you can do.

Remember, it’s just all in your head!!!

Mental fear is the type of fear where in you are afraid of a thing, an event, an animal or a person. This might sometimes be called as phobias. It may not be creating harm at first but it could definitely prevent you to do certain things. Like the fear of closed spaces, claustrophobia, where you can’t go into an elevator.  Or the free of heights, acrophobia, which may prevent you from using the escalator going down and many other types of phobias that are selective.

Psychological fear is the type of fear maybe non-existent or it could be all in your head, literally. You could be having some hallucinations that’s already affecting your everyday life. There are some that even sleep walks and starts to harm people around them while they are sleeping. These fears may have been brought about some sort of childhood trauma or accident that had led to this type of behaviour.

Fears can hinder your growth or stop you from achieving your goals. You can avoid facing your fears but if you don’t do something to face them, then it will only get worse. Luckily, Dr. Sundardas Annamalay, a leading Naturopathic Physician created a system that can definitely give you a fighting chance.



You have TOO MUCH on your plate…


I know you have too much on your plate right now…

Of course it’s not about food, LOL! I am talking about everything in your life. You are in a situation where problem after  problem comes your way. Depending on where it comes from it adds up resulting in you being overwhelmed.

You cannot run from it…

I know you want to but it will only make matters worse. A long slew of problems will not solve itself by hiding from it.

Being overwhelmed with problems can affect you in two different ways: Mentally and Physically.

  •       Mentally affected– you cannot focus on to the solution, since it would seem that new problems will just come up and add up to the pile of what you already have. In most cases, you tend to be confused on what you should do first and you get to the point when you feel that you can’t handle the stress anymore. You sometimes resort to binging or overindulging yourself, which is bad for the health. So, avoid getting mentally affected by your work. Learn to set a balance between work life, personal life and spend some quality “me” time as well.
  •       Physically affected – is the after effects of being mentally affected by the overwhelming problems that you already have. This leads to various stress related pain and illness like nausea and dizziness, or it maybe the result of “binging”. You will also start to feel like it’s harder to breathe, your blood pressure will most likely rise up and you may experience rapid heartbeats.

The severity of this kind of situation is no laughing matter. The more you drag on the worse it gets, and the harder it is to get back up. This might even cost you financially since your overall health is affected, and everything else would fail.

But seriously… What can you do?

Make a stand and find a solution. Get help by attending one of our sessions you will discover something you haven’t thought of before. Dr. Sundardas Annamalay, an Expert Entrepreneur Coach, developed a method for you to focus and face these issues head on.



The best medicine has been DISCOVERED!


We hold the secrets to the BEST MEDICINE that would make your life easier.

Honestly we know that you can be in a situation where you think life is not going your way. The amount of stress and struggle is beyond your imagination. It’s just so hard to stay positive.

However, our BEST MEDICINE for you won’t come in capsules…

It’s as simple as SMILING! Yes, you heard that right!

Research shows that SMILING delivers positive energy which improves your health and the ways you interact with people around you. By turning that frown “upside-down” you can stay on top of any situation and also improve your metabolism.

There are a lot of reasons for you to SMILE. It will absolutely turn your world upside down, but in a good way, I promise:

  •    Endorphins released when you smile – you can manage stress and anxiety due to the reason that your body releases endorphins that acts as a good metabolic agent in your body. This is why happy people are healthy, because they exhibit good digestion through the help of endorphins.
  •    Smiling is the natural anti-aging system without any side effects – the skin on your face stretches and lessens the wrinkles giving you that “10 years younger look”. Smiling shows a younger “you” inside and out. It’s not only good for the heart, but it also stabilizes the heartbeat and regulates the flow of the blood.
  •    Smiling makes your immune system stronger – There are some studies about white blood cells reproducing more whenever you smile, thus increasing the body’s immune system. White blood cells fight illnesses. Doctors have been studying about their patients who actually gets better after smiling a lot as compared to those who don’t smile often.

Smiling is not just an expression, it’s a way of life. PLUS…it is also the quickest way to boost your mood for the day and live a healthier, happy YOU!

And remember it only takes 26 muscles to smile rather than 52 muscles to frown…

It’s simply effortless!  JOIN US to smile more and learn more!


How to lose awkwardness… Find out NOW!


Hey there!

Believe me, I know what it’s like.

Life is full of awkward moments. Being in a situation that makes you feel awkward and you cannot freely express yourself is a delicate situation in our  daily lives. You thought you knew it all but then you get caught off-guard by the situation. To make matters worse, it adds up to your stress levels to the point that you cannot look everyone in the eye.

Now here’s the killer!

Being comfortable is like being confident. Using different methods that will make you adapt in a situation. The more you are comfortable the more you can be yourself and express your skills and abilities. Here are some tips on how you can do it:

  •        Keep your work hours separate from your spare time. You should not complicate your life and work time further by mixing them together. Generally there should only be two situations: either you are working or you are not.
  •        Decide how your workplace will look like. Make it pleasant but also functional at the same time. Make sure it will be a place where you will be productive.
  •        Change how you think of other people and how you make contact. Do not be afraid to reach out and make mistakes. Remove negativity  you may experience with other people especially with your peers and friends.Welcome a healthy dose of constructive criticism from time to time.
  •        Do not hesitate to ask for advice. Learn from an expert by asking questions and be able to pour out the things that bother you. Learning from someone can give you more insight and give you suggestions on how to feel better.

You can make a difference!

Seminars conducted by Dr. Sundardas Annamalay will let you tap into an inner peace and the confidence to be yourself. Learn the value to achieve comfort in your life and career.

Discover the secrets to lose awkwardness TODAY!

Know what MATTERS in your Life?


What is essential in your life right now?

  • Having friends
  • Having more “me” time
  • Having more family time
  • Having a sound career
  • Having great ideas
  • Having goals in life


You want all these and more…

Yet, it seems you’re not contented…

You feel something’s missing in your life…




That emptiness that you feel…you need to come to terms first with your main priority and then be able to learn which one goes next. Don’t let yourself be side-tracked by negativity that might be blocking your way. Challenges will always be there, however, if you know how to keep track of things and realize your goals in life, then you would be able to achieve the success you have been working hard for.


Having friends…

People may come and go in your life. There are times when you want to hang on to them for support. Sometimes they may fail you or might lift you up to support you in your struggles. Learn to choose who your real friends are.


Having more “me” time…

Find time for yourself because it’s important to take a breather from work. Don’t be afraid to relax and de-stress. Once you have taken all those negativity and stress in your system then, you would be free to face more challenges in your life.


Having a sound career…

A lot of us want to have that dream job, especially if it’s your passion. However, there are times that we find passion along the way as we change together with the times. Then, we realize that we have outgrown the past and have already found a new calling. Don’t be scared of the changes around you. If you fall along the way, it doesn’t mean you should give up dreaming and fulfilling your goals.


Having great ideas…

It’s not enough to have ideas, but you must have the right tools to be able to get them in place. If you think that you have done everything in your capacity to get your ideas be realized then, you need to re-think your plans. If you keep falling off the “success ladder” then there must be something wrong with your methods.


Having goals in life…

Real goals must have definite plans. If you want to reach your destination you must first establish the path leading to it. If you won’t be able to survive the obstacles then of course failure will meet you on the way. But if you have the right methods and you have the drive to succeed then you will be able to clear the path to the right direction.

Don’t just wonder and wait for the answer to come to you.

KNOW what truly matters in your life TODAY!


Discover the secrets of…

  1. finding real friends

True friends are hard to find, but if you have confidence in yourself and your abilities, it’s easy to identify those people who are true to you.


  1. time for yourself

Time management is the key. Being able to organize your affairs and knowing the “ABC’s” in your work and personal life would make you even more productive and your free time secured.


  1. spending family vacation with no worries

When you have everything in order, then you can be sure that you will have a worry-free travel with your love ones. You won’t keep looking back on your shoulders just to check up on work from time to time. Everything will be, as they say, “smooth sailing”.


  1. clear business strategies

In order to be efficient, your strategies must be well-defined. Triple check your work to make sure you have not missed any details.


  1. taking action the right time

Don’t just do things without thinking about it. If you want to venture into something then make it your goal and be able to reach it through careful planning. Once you have done your research then be able to take that leap to reach your goals.


  1. reaching the plans you’ve set

Yes, you’ve done quite a lot but you are now unsure if you will be able to realize your plans. The answer is simple, make reachable or attainable goals. Focus on what you can do today rather than what you can’t do at the moment.


We have these PLUS A LOT MORE with our Success Permissions Workshop.