We say, “Past is past. I’m happy now and I don’t want to look back.”
However, even if we try so hard to avoid the past, it feels that it’s still haunting us. There is always a bleak shadow hanging over our heads and we can’t seem to step around it. We need an outlook change. You need to stand up and face those fears that’s been with you ever since who knows when. It feels like a never ending circus of going back to the past and then covering up your inner fears. It just seem so difficult to find a way out of things. You try to change but everything around you forces you to stay in that tight spot and you feel that you hate yourself for it.
Then, you ask, “Is it really over? Has my past really passed by without affecting me?”
If you think about the past, past life, past mistakes, past pains, then it’s really affecting you literally. You are dwelling too much on it and you can’t seem to take your mind off of those things. Even if you say that you’ve forgotten about it, you need to still examine your life today if it’s really not affecting you. Did you feel that you’ve missed something important? Do you feel left out on things sometimes? Is there anything you think that you’ve ventured where you failed and you can’t seem to do anything about it? These little things and more is telling you that the past is affecting you in various ways and you can’t seem to put a handle on things. You must find out how you can face your inner demons and know how you can erase the past that’s been bothering you.
Yes, you want to move on, but you can’t deny the fact that it still bothers you. However, you also need to learn that there’s always a solution, a cure for what’s been ailing you for so long. You may want to deny it, but it remains that the only solution is to challenge yourself and face what you don’t want to. If you want to be strong then learn to battle yourself so the “ghost of the past” would literally leave you.
Ever wonder what’s that weighing on your shoulders? That’s the past affecting you.
Even though you feel that you can’t seem to function normally, don’t let your past ruin your life and career right now! Know how it is to be able to find peace and lift yourself up from that past which is weighing you down. You have to move on but don’t forget, what you need is to learn from your mistakes. Then, you can take a step forward and accept the challenges that come your way, because this is how you can grow. This is also how you can do better and make good decisions in your life and career. Set your mind at ease and strengthen it with your past experiences, because whether it is good or bad, your past will guide you and might even give you the confidence to build up the future you’ve dreamed of.
FORGETTING is not always a good option!
REPROGRAM your perspectives with an expert life coach to guide you in the process.
It is not too late to FACE YOUR PAST without any regrets.