People will always let you feel down and may sometimes even give you a cold shoulder. It’s easy for them to judge you at times especially when you are managing a team. Some may see you too pushy and other times you become very lenient and it doesn’t help your clients in anyway because the work is not getting done on time.
You need to have a strategy in order to get them to focus on the work that needs to be done. Be firm and direct to the point when informing your team about the consequences of their actions. They may say you sound strict but this is fine since you will be able to get them to listen on your concerns. Don’t hesitate when you point out some “miss-outs” that a team member had done. It is important to have that confidence in you as a manager or supervisor of the team, so they will be able to trust your judgement.
Don’t be too pushy. Establish the ground rules for your team to follow. Let them know that if they won’t be able to work at a certain day, they need to inform you beforehand or at least 24hrs before the day they will be out. Don’t keep on contacting them all the time, especially if you’re working online, since they also have some personal time as well. Have a set date of meetings and if there’s an urgent change on instructions or guidelines then create a video or video instructions of the new process. Don’t keep on nagging your team, give them instructions and establish some rules that they could follow through.
In cases that a team member consistently gives you problems and is not doing the work they were assigned. Have some appropriate procedures such as first Warning, Second Warning and Final Warnings implemented. This will give them a chance to improve and serve as a reminder that you are monitoring their performance. This is also true as well in cases that a team member would be a performer. Then, you should have appropriate bonuses ready. Maybe give them some sort of target to hit and be able to assess the work they have done for the month. In turn, give them rewards such as kudos for the month or performer for the year.
Don’t create a problem involving your team, create a solution instead and don’t focus on what they think about you. It’s not up to them to decide what needs to be done, it still falls on your shoulders. Your clients will be happy if you can handle the work and not involve them on your team’s problems or issues. Just get everyone positive because a positive manager creates a positive team.
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