Blueprint… A PASSPORT In Business GOALS


Can you still remember the reason why you started your business? Was it for the dream car that you wanted? Was it for the big house in a secured village? Was it to buy the latest gadget available in the market? Was it for your family? Was it for the future of your sons and daughters? Or to have a lovely vacation with your husband or wife in a Caribbean cruise?


Or was it for the sole purpose of waking up in the morning and you not having to worry about money or time? Yes! Time and money freedom! Those two kinds of freedom are the only things in this world that takes patience to achieve. While many yearn for it, only a few people achiever it. Those who are not just hardworking but also know how to plan ahead.

It is common for entrepreneurs to have what they call a “Dream Board”. Like a cork board where you post the pictures of the things that you want to achieve in your business. It’s important that you have a goal. That way you know where you’re heading. You are not likely to forget the very foundation of your dreams. It’s a “Blueprint to Success”! A business plan is important, this is where everything will start. It is your one way ticket to success or otherwise called as your “passport to achieve business goals”.

“The moment you start your business, you already started to make your plan on how to be successful and how to achieve your dreams!

A business plan is one of the most important element when starting a business., As an entrepreneur, you should study the essentials and place them on your plan. Commonly known as “starting from scratch”. But you might be wondering, why do you ever need to make a blueprint or a business plan when in fact, you already know all the things that you need to do? You have planned everything in your mind. Everything is thing is clear even up down the last detail. You have studied and mastered them all so nothing can go wrong and all you have to do is EXECUTE THEM! If that’s your perception and how you do things then you might be rushing things and eventually it may FAIL. What is worse, is that if there is no objective record, there is a tendency to course correct even without being aware you are doing so. All the learnings and adjustments get flushed away.

When a building is being constructed the engineers need a solid foundation. A great idea and a layout called a “blueprint”. When a magician is planning on making his greatest act, he needs a foolproof idea and a “blueprint”. When a city is being established and they plan on fulfilling all the people’s needs when they decide to live there, the people in charge need a strategic idea and a “blueprint”. With all this in mind almost everything in this world, be it big or small, for as long as you have a goal to achieve, you need a “blueprint”. It is the very tool needed when you’re planning ahead and it will guide you to stay on course and not to stray out of the plan. It is your guideline in everything that you do in your business and most specially, it will greatly contribute in achieving your dreams!

Astounding results comes from a small idea, Great achievements comes from a simple plan.

No success has been achieved overnight and no achievement was obtained without proper planning. This is the simple rule of achieving success through planning. Everything depends on how hard you work for it and how carefully you plan to achieve it. The more sophisticated your blueprint is, the highly effective it will be and the more research you do, the better the plan will be.

If you believe that you have already exhausted your market and your ideas, then you have already lost. There is still an option to turn the tables in your favor and make everything just the way you planned.. SIGN UP NOW!

Profit Problem? Here’s how to solve it…


In building a business, there will be a lot of obstacles that you have to tackle. It can be the capital, manpower, the process or the delivery of the service/product itself. No exemption to these are the issues regarding profit. That is the most important of all, since the profit will be the source of continuity in your business. With profits, you can determine if your business will survive or you will have no choice but to shut it down. This issue is not just a small factor. Don’t ignore the signs and protect your business from the start to avoid major consequences.

“There is a BIG difference between knowing the outcome and UNDERSTANDING what’s going to happen.”

Even if you have been informed of the outcome of your investments, there are times when you don’t know how the outcome came about. What triggered the positivity or negativity in the situation? How much do you know about it? Being informed is different from having a deeper understanding about how the circumstances came about in the first place. Do not accept defeat or business loss immediately. Consider the facts first and be an insider in your own business. If you readily give up then you might start to fall and fail in your business. It may be a fact that experiencing some business losses would mean you are not monitoring your company first-hand. However, you have to consider, that part of marketing your business is also having some challenges along the way. Know what’s up to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest in your business.

This is why understanding what happens in a certain time span, will help you fine-tune your business goals. It’s about making a pathway in order to turn the tables around in your favor. This is because you “KNOW” the situation you’ll be having for every action you take. The thought of “taking an action” is different than just “knowing the outcome”. It is essential that you have that urgency to take a stand against failures in your professional or even personal lives. NOW rather than later! TIME is of the essence in every business and as an entrepreneur you have to fulfil your task for your future. To have that much sought after freedom you have to take control of your own destiny and make sure that you go full throttle with no holds barred.

“It is better to have a contingency plan than to be in the middle of a dilemma.”

This is the reason why it is important to have a blueprint to success. You can anticipate and avoid downfalls that might hinder your success in your business. Sure, there may be a lot of obstacles along the way, not to mention those who think  ill of your business decisions. So, stop thinking about failure and giving up again, because you have a choice! You have the chance to change the course of your destiny and the outcome of your business and profits, it’s not yet too late… TAKE A STAND TODAY!


Do you settle for second best in your business?


What are you  putting up with in business and your life? You know it’s not working out but you just grin and bear it and  sometimes pretend it isn’t there.

It’s about the things in business and in life that are getting in people’s way. Some business owners’ past continually haunt them today. They choose to put up with it as the business goes and before they know it, it’s already a part of a day to day business activity and slowly draining their life and energy.

No focus on customer relationship  

This can impact customer relationships.

Poor relationships with customers will result in low customer retention and referrals.  Customers are the main focus of your business, thus without sufficient number of customers it may be a cause of struggle.  Don’t put up with it.  Start building a good relationship with them, and be pleasant and sociable.

Complacency in business

Business may change in certain ways and having a limited focus on your business plans might get your business in trouble. Many business owners are often focused on too many things. If you want to maximize success, the key is to focus on a business plan, project a 2-3 year plan, which has to be reviewed every year.

Doing it Alone

Whether it is a partnership or sole proprietorship, coping with everything alone is one of the limiting traits exhibited by owners today. Business owners believe that they can manage everything and don’t need any advice or help from anyone. From the start, it seems simple and your strategy may be successful as the cost is low because everything is done by one person. However, as the business starts to pick up gradually, the workload increases exponentially and unpredictable situation arise.



Business Strategy MUST Change Constantly


Successful businesses have clearly defined processes that effectively manage change…change is a reality in every business.

Have you heard about a successful business that does not make any changes in tactics for over a year?

No, there is no entrepreneur in his right mind who would try to compete in the marketplace without thinking of a changing tactics appropriately. Business strategies will determine what you need in your business and your change of tactics clarifies how you make the changes occur.

 Change of strategies address 3 general concerns: PEOPLE, your PROCESS and its CONTENT. Content refers to business organization —structure, business processes, products and services, technology, systems and the strategy itself.

 Making an effective change of strategy will accelerate your profit and reduce unwanted cost. Thus, it will increase your effort’s efficiency, remove unnecessary activity, boost up your launch, and engage your people in a most productive way.

It’s time for your business to make a change….